Thursday, April 07, 2005

Update from heaven

This place is awesome. Why didn't you guys let me come here 15 years ago?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i cnut bleev he kild u wat a luser

9:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

cromicus cromicus cromicus

10:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sing it, chile.

10:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Terry--you've been such an inspiration to all of us--I only hope that I can go to heaven after sucking up so much of the taxpayer's money when I'm a fucking vegetable for 15 years.

10:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sad...sick humor.

11:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


11:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, man, you bring the funny!

1:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i have the feeling you won't see some of us there.

1:44 AM  
Blogger marijn said...

comedy gold.

3:01 AM  
Blogger Fist said...

Because we wanted to molest you as you slept.

3:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Terri, are you hungry?

3:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


3:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Terry.......make my day

4:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its very sad.

Also here is Stephen Hawking's 'blog'

5:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Her husband had two children with another woman. How the hell did he have a right to decide? Bastard! Whatever happened to rich or poor in sickness and in health, hell fire brimstones gnashing of teeth despair pain pain pain PAIN.............okay I feel better now,


5:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Es ist einfach nur geil, gratuliere! Scheiss auf diese ganzen christlichen Fundamentalisten...

6:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

because some stupid fanatic politicians thought about getting some votes...

6:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


7:37 AM  
Blogger Jamie said...

Same reason we didn't want the pope to die.

8:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess Terry was angry on the pope for saying things like she should go on vegetabling and so she sliped into a heavenly control room and fuzzed around there where it said: pope. Thanks Terry! Now the one where it says: G.W.Bush

8:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


8:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I bless you madly, sadly as I tie my shoes
I love you badly, just in time, at times, I guess
Because of you I need to rest
Because it's you that sets the test

So much has gone and little is new
And as the sparrow sings
Dawn chorus for
Someone else to hear
The Thinker sits alone growing older
And so bitter

I gave Them life
I gave Them all
They drained my very soul...dry
I crushed my heart to ease Their pains
No thought for me remains there
Nothing can They spare
What of me?
Who praised Their efforts to be free?
Words of strength and care and sympathy
I opened doors that would have blocked Their way
I braved Their cause to guide, for little pay
I ravaged at my finance just for Those
Those whose claims were steeped in peace, tranquility
Those who said a new world, new ways ever free
Those whose promises stretched in hope and grace for me

I bless you madly, sadly as I tie my shoes
I love you badly, just in time, at times, I guess
Because of you I need to rest, oh yes
Because it's you that sets the test

So much has gone and little is new
And as the sunrise stream
Flickers on me,
My friends talk
Of glory, untold dream, where all is God and God is just a word

"We had a friend, a talking man
Who spoke of many powers he had
Not of the best of men, but Ours
We used him
We let him use his powers
We let him fill Our needs
Now We are strong

And the road is coming to its end
Now the damned have no time to make amends
No purse of token fortune stands in Our way
The silent guns of love will blast the sky

We broke the ruptured structure built of age
Our weapons were the tongues of crying rage
Where money stood
We planted seeds of rebirth
And stabbed the backs of fathers
Sons of dirt

Infiltrated business cesspools
Hating through Our sleeves
Yea, and We slit the Catholic throat
Stoned the poor on slogans such as

Wish You Could Hear
Love Is All We Need
Kick Out The Jams
Kick Out Your Mother
Cut Up Your Friend
Screw Up Your Brother or He'll Get You In the End

And We Know the Flag of Love is from Above
And We Can Force You to Be Free
And We Can Force You to Believe

And I close my eyes and tighten up my brain
For I once read a book in which the lovers were slain
For they knew not the words of the Free States' refrain
It said

I believe in the Power of Good
I Believe in the State of Love
I Will Fight For the Right to be Right
I Will Kill for the Good of the Fight for the Right to be Right

And I open my eyes to look around
And I see a child laid slain on the ground
As a love machine lumbers through desolation rows
Ploughing down man, woman, listening to its command
But not hearing anymore
Not hearing anymore
Just the shrieks from the old rich

And I Want to Believe
In the madness that calls now
And I want to Believe
That a light's shining through

And I Want to Believe
And You Want to Believe
And We Want to Believe
And We Want to Live
Oh, We Want to Live

We Want to Live
We Want to Live
We Want to Live
We Want to Live
We Want to Live

I Want to Live
I Want to Live
I Want to Live
I Want to Live
I Want to Live
I Want to Live


8:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

> Deutschland said...
> Es ist einfach nur geil,
> gratuliere! Scheiss auf diese
> ganzen christlichen
> Fundamentalisten...

It's amusing that, evidently, the entire country of Germany wants to "shit on all this christian fundamentalism"...

Can't say I disagree.

9:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Germany owns!!!!!

9:31 AM  
Blogger Erik said...

God owned you with a P, Terri

9:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

gold! ++

9:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

terri will always be full in heaven.

10:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are fucking awesome. Don't let all those haters tell you that anything other than this is the best blog EVER.

11:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Terri Terri Terri... I often wonder what would have happened if they'd hooked up the Hawkingator to ya. What we have simply heard robotic screams of apathy? Or would you have had the cognisance to be all "Unplug me sluts!"? *sigh* You definitely pulled a Princess Di and stole all the thunder from that pesky religious leader's death, that's for sure.

R.I.P. You sassy bitch! ♥

12:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I say AMEN they should have let her go a very long time ago. This is hysterical!

1:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ummmmm, does anyone realize this is not really Terri's blog? just some random person making up stuff to justify her death????... i think it's a republican or a democrat...., not sure, just an unpolitically-minded kid. hmmm, they're happy she finally died so it must be a democrat... so yea... w/es... people posting their hearts out are insane... posting to some random arbitrary dude who is posing as Terri Schiavo... sheeshads

1:14 PM  
Blogger Ms. Pants said...

"does anyone realize this is not really Terri's blog? just some random person making up stuff to justify her death????... they're happy she finally died so it must be a democrat "

Um. Considering she's dead, I'd say yeah--people get it.

You must be republican to ask such a quesiton.

1:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. this is one helluva funny site. funny but disturbing. perspectives from all angles. woah. that's harsh.
the anonymous person:
"ummmmm, does anyone realize this is not really Terri's blog? just some random person making up stuff to justify her death????... i think it's a republican or a democrat...., not sure, just an unpolitically-minded kid. hmmm, they're happy she finally died so it must be a democrat... so yea... w/es... people posting their hearts out are insane... posting to some random arbitrary dude who is posing as Terri Schiavo... sheeshads

1:14 PM "

does sound like a dumbass kid. doesn't even have the political parties straight... no grammar either... What are they teaching kids in school these days??!! we should focus on education issues in our nation, this definitely shows...

2:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're bashing grammar in a comment that,

1. Displays no understanding of punctuation.

2. Displays no understanding of capitalization.

3. Contains more incomplete than complete sentences.

Kindly shut your mouth before I tell your local welfare office that you're wasting money on an unnecessary internet connection.

3:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, kind grammatically correct sir. I highly esteem your vast grammatical expertise, but a colon (:) precedes a numbered list, not a comma. In addition, your use of a vague adjective, which apparently does not modify anything, would fail you on the Scholastic Aptitude Test. Congratulations, however, as I believe your experience and years exceed those of a poor humble high school student who has yet to take the new SAT. Good day.
Your friend

3:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i concur
so uneducated so unoriginal
and fyi
terrys now got one hot angel bod


Anonymous said...
You're bashing grammar in a comment that,

1. Displays no understanding of punctuation.

2. Displays no understanding of capitalization.

3. Contains more incomplete than complete sentences.

3:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Post puberty would mean that he's already gone through puberty, and thusly would have a dropped set of balls.

And really-- is typing "your" really that much harder than "ur?" It's two more keystrokes. Two. Click. Click. Talk about embarrassing.

3:27 PM  
Blogger streak said...

hey can't we all just get along

3:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"cant we all get along?" lol streak

(im not the best speller being born in another country and all

3:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

April is the cruller month
Shop at Krispy Kreme
I just bought 20,000 shares
Tough shit, Eliot
Your inheritance is gone

4:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

and dough nut go quietly into that good night...

4:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i win

4:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You should start a 9/11 victims blog to capture the last terrifying moments of their lives. Now that would be funny!


Yeah! Douschebaggary at it's finest!

5:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

this is freaking amazing... lmao

6:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bulimia owns lolx

7:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

chris shirk
2452 Lockbourne Rd.
Columbus, OH 43207

???? Why would you put your name and address on a blog????

7:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd do her!

7:49 PM  
Blogger Pandora Wilde said...

What a scream!! You are all sooo going to HELL!!

Meetcha there!

9:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to hear from ya, Terri!! I'm glad you're doing well up there. I agree with you, if I were in your shoes I would have wanted to go 15 years ago, but thanks for inspiring me to do a living will!! Enjoy it up there!!

9:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


10:12 PM  
Blogger streak said...

"You should start a 9/11 victims blog to capture the last terrifying moments of their lives. Now that would be funny!"
September 11th, 2001


posted at 8:45am

10:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

She has been dead for 15 years. A living corpse. You can force anybody HA HA any BODY to "live" on w/ electrity, which is one Terry "Derrr" Schivo. Its modern science to a T. Period. Who wants to dig up a freshy and prove my point!?!?
And for all you religious freaks:
---If GOD wanted her to live, she would be. PERIOD.

And for her husband, Put yourself in his shoes. What kind of life would he have if he waited all these years just for the same f'n result to happen!!?!?
I highly doubt you morons would do that. No one wants to live alone and miserable forever. And you cant change the unevitable. You act like he went out and started a family after she right went into a coma. So "DERRRRRRRRRRRRR DERRRRR DERRR DERR"

I got to go Schiavo now.

10:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

funny how the ppl at the protest alley said they thought there would be a bigger turnout at the hospice. you know why?
All us ALIVE people were home EATING Easter Dinner with our families.

10:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am not one to judge people, and I do believe in everyone having their own different opinions on certain aspects, but this is way too much. You people are all sick in the head. "We were eating easter dinner, us ALIVE people" Believe me whoever you are, you say that shit now, but when you pass through something of the sort, you won't be taking the piss out of deathly diseases and other sicknesses, believe me.

An one other thing, I don't give a fuck about what you think about my comment, just learn that you have 60 years or so more to live on this earth, and an eternity to burn in hell. Do you feel so cool now? Get some pschological help, you ALL really need it.

Terry Schiavo, is so lucky to have left a world full of people judging her, she was using up your tax??? WTF. Im truly shocked and disgusted by all you people. You are just so immoral and fucked up.

One day you will see.

Im 22, have everything going well in my life, Im happy with who I am, prolly thats why I don't go around bitching about people, especially sick people or dead people.

Nothing better to do with ur life? Cannot find anything better to fill in empty hours.
"oh, ill set up a terry schiavo blog"

Really cool.


3:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Im 22, have everything going well in my life, Im happy with who I am, prolly thats why I don't go around bitching about people, especially sick people or dead people.

Nothing better to do with ur life? Cannot find anything better to fill in empty hours.
"oh, ill set up a terry schiavo blog"


Yeah, but you got nothing better to do then to go around bitching about the creator of this blog, so what does that say about you? At least he doesn't have a right winged broom up his has for the next 60 years of his life.

4:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Meant to say ASS instead of has

4:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh, and i meant to put a comma after invalid

4:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


5:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Terri, so glad you made it! Please disregard the insensitive remarks and keep on blogging.

5:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Terri, if you understand some words of the German language, this web site will give some answer to your questions:

Have a better time in heaven.

6:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok, now it's on!!!

7:42 AM  
Blogger Doofus said...

Somehow, I had a feeling this blog would head this direction.

Not that it required any extended pressure on the cerebellum for this stunning development.


7:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's a damn good thing Michael had ya cremated Terri, otherwise your selfish fucking parents would've propped up your rotting corpse in a la-z-boy for the next 50 years insisting you could be rehabilitated from being in this "persistent dead state". You know in 10 years, they'd find a new doctor to say you were never actually, "Totally Dead" you were just "minimally dead" and with a little water, a stuffed bunny and some speech therapy, they could bring you back to dance the Tango down the hallway of the hospice.

Right funny shite mate!

8:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is like a dirty joke that everyone knows they shouldn't be reading, but they can't stop reading it. Then at the end, you can't stop laughing, even though you feel this little twinge of underlying guilt.

Then you get over it.

I agree with others, though. We're all going to hell for this, but I'm loving every second of it.

10:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How can people be so rude!!!!!!

10:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice to see you writing Terri, especially after we had you on our show. Keep it up! Good work!

Bibb+Yaz Take Over the World!

10:40 AM  
Blogger Ed.C said...

does the pope have a blog?

2:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I only wish the pope had a blog..*grins*

2:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Liebe demokratische Amerikaner,
ganz Deutschland steht hinter euch. Wir wissen wie es ist wenn eine ultra-rechte Partei undemokratisch die Macht ergreift und dann Konzentrationslager schafft.
Sollte es notwendig sein das eine internationale Koalition (Frankreich-Deutschland) in den USA einzumarschien um die Achse des Bösen von Los Angeles bis Washington zu stürzen, seid unbesorgt. Die Bevölkerung der USA wird gut versorgt mit Weizenbier, Weisswurst und Gehard Schröder.

God bless you,
Your Deutschland

3:03 PM  
Blogger Gotinha said...


3:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a message i received from T's parents awhile back when they were trying to convince she was still 'able' to function.. hilarious..

"Hello all. Terry has some things to say, so I'll let her type her express herself now. Hopefully these words will convince you that she wants to live."

" d g5 rroiugrtloj59hjvho7wv;8ewr8;g58g5;n nunvu7pv87;r5vp;w4e5.,.kjijvrxwcx33dx3fd3d4efdddd4eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee"

"You can clearly see she has the ability to function. Please help us."


3:47 PM  
Blogger streak said...

The really sad part is that she would have been unable to even press a key on the keyboard. And they still claimed she was responsive.

4:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@all terri-schiavo-blog-haters!!!
now, you can see what happens, if you dont let somebody die in peace!!!!
@all (george w. bush included), who tried to extend the live of this poor creature called Terri Schiavo: You're gonna burn in hell!!!


4:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know what this blog needs? More cowbell. . .

Bibb and Yaz

6:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is quite sick. I find it hilarious!
We'd be nothing without a sense of humour... though maybe this is actually disturbing behaviour..?

Nah. It's funny!
I commend your excellence.

8:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Paratrooper666 said...

@all terri-schiavo-blog-haters!!!
now, you can see what happens, if you dont let somebody die in peace!!!!
@all (george w. bush included), who tried to extend the live of this poor creature called Terri Schiavo: You're gonna burn in hell!!!


4:46 PM


What is so fucking amazing about this, is the number of people who thought that providing sustenance to an otherwise normally functioning human body was somehow cruel and unusual. Yes. God forfuckingbid we save a human life.

Let's get one thing straight, you wankers - she was not on life support. She could breathe, respond, and could probably have improved VASTLY had she been given the opportunity to have therapy. Though, I suppose her husband was too busy boinking his new common-law woman to care.

No one knows the condition of her soul - obviously, so who the fuck really knows where she wound up. But I fear for the souls who allowed err on the side of death, rather than life.


8:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't believe that people could be so insensitive to life and the inherited godly right to just live that everyone keeps denying. This blog is pure venom to our lord and saviour Jesus Christ, who he, with the powers of the lord, would spit HellFire at your pro-choicers! I speak with such passion because I am a priest and Terry was my sister in law.

I visited Terry 5 days before she died and I asked her, "Terry, do you know the gravity of your situation?!" She replied, "Yes, I'm quite appauled by it literally."

I then asked her what she thought about Germany's 1930 second reiche ideology that was based on socialist's delusional utopia. She responded by shitting herself and drooling out the leftside of her mouth before she uttered, "Germany was lucky we didn't drop the bomb on those hairy arm pit fuckers. The only good thing to come out of that country....oh yeah, that's right, we are all still trying to thigure out what GOOD that country has done, besides let their women be hairier than the men.....I outta run over them in wheelchair."

I said that was a good response, when I asked Terry if she felt pain, she said, "Da daaa Goo GOO Gah GAh....."

What no one knows was that Terry became suicidal when she saw that CNN was constantly showing the bad side of her face. She suffered the Corey Haim-Instant Stardome Syndrome. She became so famous so quickly, and when she saw that CNN shot, she pulled out her own feeding tube.

9:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

god told me u sucked?

11:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

YAY, an update!

"Terri"... well, whoever you are... amazingly funny job on this blog. Definitely one of the funniest things I've personally seen in years (even if it is a little irreverent)! Thanks for the entertainment!


11:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know why people wanted Terri alive for so long, Jewish entertainment and profits, I wonder how much money the Jews made off of this whole ordeal.

12:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't have a blog or anything, but one of these postings said something about taxpayers dollars? You are a complete idiot. The parents were paying to keep their baby daughter alive. While I think this venture was misfounded, it did not take up any of your mommy or daddy's money. By the way, her name is at the top of the page. If you knew enough about the case to make any kind of statement about it, you would know how to spell Terri*.

1:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Schiavo, come back now or i will put you in Guantanamo.

2:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you win teh internets or something

3:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ya'll r goin ta hail for makin fun of terri! My pa sez terri is a child of the lord just as good as any of us by god! you'uns done got my dander up! I hope our lord who art up in heven strike you down for commit this here sin aginst him! go to hail you basterds!

3:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

>Anonymous said...
>about Germany's 1930 second >reiche ideology that was based on >socialist's delusional utopia.

The third Reich. It was the THIRD Reich. And you write it with only one "e". And it wasn`t a socialist ideology, it was a national-socialist Ideology. That`s a difference. You got schools over there?

4:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm, instead of focusing on feeding a vegitable, maybe we should focus on feeding the starving kids in Africa. They actaully have brains.

7:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I fucking love you.
Not just love, but love preceeded by a good shag.
<3 Bob

7:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


8:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

greet the Pope on my part..!

9:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Because NeoCunts couldn't keep their nose out of your business.

Your Husband did the best he could. You truly married a 'keeper', as he fought long and hard to have your wishes carried out. He turned down millions of dollars to do so.

He appreciated your wishes for him to carry on after you left reality. Even his new girlfriend helped care for you on occaision.

Godspeed, Terri. Enjoy heaven, now that you are finally there.

10:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

genius! genius! always loved this blog but now this entry from heaven is pure genius!

11:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a definite top on my blog list. Its all the things I like to participate in. Its cruel, argumentative, and hilarious. And the characters that come here are damn straight fucked up. Owner's outdone themselves.

12:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

seriously. they should have killed you off years ago!

6:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"What is so fucking amazing about this, is the number of people who thought that providing sustenance to an otherwise normally functioning human body was somehow cruel and unusual. Yes. God forfuckingbid we save a human life.

Let's get one thing straight, you wankers - she was not on life support. She could breathe, respond, and could probably have improved VASTLY had she been given the opportunity to have therapy. Though, I suppose her husband was too busy boinking his new common-law woman to care.

No one knows the condition of her soul - obviously, so who the fuck really knows where she wound up. But I fear for the souls who allowed err on the side of death, rather than life.


8:26 PM"

u dumass. she was BRAINDEAD. her brain was fucking LIQUIFIED. jesus u are so stupid. and the husband has every right to remarry. she was retarded for 15 fucking years
and for 15 years, he kept his dick in his pocket, so let him be. her parents are the greedy basturds. they probobly keep the urn saying how the dust is responsive.

u didnt save a human life. she was killed 15 years ago. jesus let her die in peace

6:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hahahahaha!!! I love you!

6:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hahahahaha!!! I love you!

6:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


7:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"chris shirk
2452 Lockbourne Rd.
Columbus, OH 43207

???? Why would you put your name and address on a blog????"

...Return address? duh... ;)

"ummmmm, does anyone realize this is not really Terri's blog?..."

OK, no comment since dozens of others have already....Ok I have I mean, seriously, that comment makes me lose SO much faith in the young generation...

OHHHHH and btw anyone defending Terry's parents...well they had a list of personal info of all of the folks who donated to their cause...names, email addy's, real addy's, etc...after Terry died they sold that information. To advertisers. People who use it to send junk mail/spam. Yeah. For money. Great way to thank the people who donated. Thanks for the money...btw hundreds of advertisers have your info. I knew the parents were fucking assholes, but that was just icing on the cake. Greedy fucking phonies.

7:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

this needed to come to an end man, cmon the lady suffered long enough anyways, who the fuck wants to be kept on life support for 15 fucking years, so much bullshit, and the politicians jumped in on her side so that they would get all the religious freaks to vote for them in the next election

7:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Religion leads to imcompetence

7:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Solution....Do away with the Pro-Life christians >:D"

I would still give them a chance to change and fight for my cause but execute those who refuse to accept logic over their own insanity.

You have the right idea though my friend :)

7:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well... Im happy she got what she wanted. Starving herself is what got her (and the rest of the U.S.) into this whole mess in the first place.

I think her husband did the right thing and should have done it a lot sooner. If you think about your own spouse, wouldnt you want them to keep living life to the fullest and possibly find happiness elsewhere if you were gone?

I cant wait to see the autopsy report!

This blog was brilliant.

7:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i've just come one step closer to wanting to kill people ... lots of people ... everyone.

8:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

At first I thought I was a little sick for LOL on this one. But then I thought about it and realized that I wasn't. I was laughing at an unfortunate situation which went on far too long. The worst part was the media showing an out-of-date video of her blinking her eyes at her mother. What's she been like for the last few years? Hmmmm?

8:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is so fucking amazing about this, is the number of people who thought that providing sustenance to an otherwise normally functioning human body was somehow cruel and unusual. Yes. God forfuckingbid we save a human life.

Let's get one thing straight, you wankers - she was not on life support. She could breathe, respond, and could probably have improved VASTLY had she been given the opportunity to have therapy. Though, I suppose her husband was too busy boinking his new common-law woman to care.

No one knows the condition of her soul - obviously, so who the fuck really knows where she wound up. But I fear for the souls who allowed err on the side of death, rather than life.

This is classic Republicunt stupidity. Stop breathing our air, chump. WAYSA? DIGTBK

9:45 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Mae Magouirk safe for now. See Tekgnosis for further details.

Tell the Media to report the REAL Schiavo polls!

My account, etc. of Terri Schindler's Funeral Mass:

4:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hehehe. :) Good for you Terr..

4:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah, terry schiavo. american ultra konservative religios fanatics hold up transparents for the right to live. meanwhile in texas a innocent black man, who can't afford any lawyer will be executed. on the other side of the world, in irak, maybee 100 000 innocent people where killed by george bush and his evil boddies. a war based on lies in the name of the lord. "the world is a safer place without saddam." yeah, saddam and his terrible missiles flying 50 miles far.
these religious fanatics should take care about americans, who cant afford health insurance, or help the crack adicted and the poor. terry schiavo was a dead body, only able to "live" with the help of machines. what a hipe for a braindead.
mick inorbit, munich, germany

6:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah, terry schiavo. american ultra konservative religios fanatics hold up transparents for the right to live. meanwhile in texas a innocent black man, who can't afford any lawyer will be executed. on the other side of the world, in irak, maybee 100 000 innocent people where killed by george bush and his evil boddies. a war based on lies in the name of the lord. "the world is a safer place without saddam." yeah, saddam and his terrible missiles flying 50 miles far.
these religious fanatics should take care about americans, who cant afford health insurance, or help the crack adicted and the poor. terry schiavo was a dead body, only able to "live" with the help of machines. what a hipe for a braindead.
mick inorbit, munich, germany

6:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you gotta eat

7:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want more of this!!!

8:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


10:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

un'assurda mancanza di rispetto, questo blog, le telecamere, la mancanza di rispetto nei confronti della tua vita e della tua morte.. spero che la scelta di tuo marito sia stata la stessa che avresti preso tu, incaso contrario: mi spiace.
Riposa In Pace

10:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

whos blaming terri for sucking up tax money is a moron, blame her family that refused to kill her 15 years ago... its not like she ever really had a choice or something after she slipped into coma

10:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only thing that kept terry alive for 15 years was the protein from my semen.

11:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Euthanasia is god's will!

12:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


2:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Her husband is a son of a prostitute. See you in the heaven Terri.

5:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And also all USA judges

5:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would like to post something in regard to these "Christian Fundamentalists" that claim she was not on "life support". Learn the law:

Florida law defines "Life-prolonging procedure" (life support) to mean any medical procedure, treatment, or intervention, including artificially provided sustenance and hydration, which sustains, restores, or supplants a spontaneous vital function. The term does not include the administration of medication or performance of medical procedure, when such medication or procedure is deemed necessary to provide comfort care or to alleviate pain. Therefore, according to Florida law, Terri's feeding tube is considered life support.

10:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bigmouths strike again

2:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I still say we shoulda married you to Scott Peterson.... No dehydration with his wife...

Although, you coulda been sold on ebay.... Some guys would kill for a girlfriend with built in roofies....

- Keep rocking!

11:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish you could've been there 15 years ago too

9:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yep! Fun. Dont mind the suckers.

3:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...she could not function without machines and therefore had no place on this earth. Grow some brains you idiot."

You know, I have a 4 year old neighbor that has a feeding tube. There is a great difference though, she can crawl, talk, and understand, BUT I would surely hate for someone to decide that her feeding tube be pulled so she could starve. (Since that's what the moron above thinks) = "she could not function without machines and therefore had no place on this earth".

I do feel pity for the clueless. Each individual circumstance is completely different, and we the people were never really 'clued-in'. We each heard something different depending upon which state we lived in and what news source we watched, listened to, or read.

I believe that everything happens the way it does for a reason, and you have every right to believe differently if you so choose.

Take Care, Be Good, Keep "MYELIN", and God Bless!!!

10:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So basically what the last person is trying to say is that - JUST BECAUSE A PERSON'S NEEDS MAY BE DIFFERENT DOES NOT MEAN THAT THEY ARE LESS THAN ANOTHER!!!!

10:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have 2 words for you all:


(and that's what you taught us Terri, Thank you!)

10:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually no, I don't want to burden the cost for these sub-human existences. People need to stop being cowards and accept death when it knocks at their door. The incurably sick, cripples, retards and criminals have absolutely no place on this earth and should be put to death.

"I believe that everything happens the way it does for a reason"

Well this is reason enough to dismiss you as an idiot, this is a typical response from a brainwashed, irrational Christian. Is that child who got cancer and died for a reason? What about that baby who was born with a horrible defect that would never allow it to live any sort of normal life?

Please shut the fuck up, there is no god watching over everyone, we are free-willed and must play god ourselves if we want to make this world anything above the shithole it currently is. You make me sick and are unfit to have children for you would abuse them with your retardedness.

11:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I laughed at this, lol.

11:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Terry Schiavo:-----^-----^-----^-----^-------------------------------------------------------------.


1:21 PM  
Blogger Noah said...


7:24 PM  
Blogger streak said...

bobby wright said...
god is pissed and blah blah

Sure, waste your time making yourself feel better by pretending to give a shit about somebody whose name you didn't know before her parents and the media begun parading her around like a freakshow.

Then fuel the flames by trying to turn this into a political debate like so many politicians have tried to gain popularity by doing already.

Pray for Terri like she was Jesus. Funny, even with all those people praying their hardest, she's still fucking dead and there is absolutely nothing that can change that. Looks like "God's will" didn't work in your favor this time. Might as well throw a hissy-fit and blame the nonbelievers.

It's the loudmouth idiots that you that will eventually wake the rest of the world up to your lies and bullshit. How you could try to link letting a severely brain-damaged woman with slim to no chances of ever being able to moan a single syllable word pass away with a shred of dignity and quiet to killing random members of society is beyond me.

So your God values all life as precious, does He? I wonder what he would think of your beloved president's war in Iraq? I guess it's okay to break some commandments if they're of a different religion, then. That must be it.

Is it so hard to grasp the concept that it's possible to love someone while at the same time realizing that their time has passed and it's best to let them move on? Wasn't there something called Heaven that every believer is entitled to? Or maybe the fact that Terri was vain enough to put herself in this condition in the first place would send her straight to Hell might explain why you were all so desperate to keep her alive.

It's people like you that make the world such a terrible place to live that they must delude themselves into thinking there's something better when we die. Personally, I'm starting to warm up to the idea of my death. Just peace and quiet, forever and ever.

"Turn the other cheek"
- some cool guy that probably smoked weed whether you want to admit it or not

11:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2:18 AM  
Blogger streak said...

Sorry to burst your bubble, but it's the truth.

So I'd like the definitive proof that God exists in my inbox by tomorrow morning. You know, something to make me think that he is something more than a fairy tale, more "real" than Zeus or Athena or any one of the incredible amount of Gods people have invented over the years to try and explain what they don't understand. Go ahead and preach your "big man floating in the sky theory" as truth, it'll surely help your credibility.

Awesome argument to the war in Iraq, though. Since this has already been turned into a liberal versus republican shit-flinging contest, why stop now? No words of defense for a war that breaks the first commandment every few minutes?

I love how you think Michael Schiavo would be such a Christian that he wouldn't want to upset God by marrying another woman while Terri was alive that he would resort to murder. Don't you think he might figure God would be angrier at murder than at adultery?

Dying in peace not possible with this website? Please explain to me how Terri would ever be bothered by this website. She probably thought it was still 1990 up until the point where her body finally joined her mind in death. The fact that you biblethumpers got so worked up about it is the only thing that makes this website what it is. If nobody knew Terri Schiavo's name (which is the way it should have been), this blog would not be possible. Thank you for providing us with a clear, definite target for us to carry our sins out on.

Elaborate on how a society where euthanasia is allowed is a terrible place to live. Terri, and hundreds of people like her are essentially prisoners in their own body. Everybody knows that every living thing must die eventually. Only some of us realize that when the rest of your life consists of lying in a bed moaning, death starts to look a little inviting.

We just gave Terri an early invitation to your beloved afterlife. What's do bad about that?

2:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We in Western Europe all know that God doesn't exist, so please stop the christian fundamentalism...

3:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

your god is dead an no one cares!
if there is a hell, i will see you there!!!

Terri Schiavo: You have the choice betweet the second coming or the fourth reich!!!

@all Christians in this Forum: Tetti Schiavo is been nailed by SATAN!!!


6:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks to Terry, we know that the US Congress & Prez CAN work fast. And on overtime.

No more excuses...

6:39 PM  
Blogger Jesse Jace said...

This is my new favorite blog.

8:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bobby Wright is just upset because he's tubby and has pasty, white chesticles.

Go put some electrical tape on your man tittays Bobby.


8:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"You make me sick and are unfit to have children for you would abuse them with your retardedness."
"I pray to god that you never breed, you are both ugly and stupid."
Well hello childish and most highly temperaMENTAL! I believe that these 2 remarks were aimed at me.

I only popped back on just for humor sake to see how my simple 'opinion' may have set anyone off.
You have the right to your own opinion as I have the right to mine, for opinions are like a$$holes....everybody has one, (it just so happens that some people ARE one).

Now to make this a tad more sweet in my eyes: too late, I already have 6 children and I, (according to many) are "head-turning hot". *personally, I'd rank myself as average* 5'6", 38 C, size 9

I do feel sorry for you though and the fact that you are filled with so much hate. There are diseases as such and maybe you should be 'put down', 'laid to rest', or maybe just treated for it. lol

Seriously speaking: You are in my prayers! I love you as I love every human being, (don't get me wrong....some more than others and differently than my family). I felt I needed to be specific as you extremists really go.....gee, to the EXTREME.

Please relax in life. We'd hate to see you have a heart attack.

10:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To live or not to live....
....that is NOT the question!

To each their own prerogative.

In this country we each have the freedom of speech and our individual rights to make our own decisions.
That is the beauty of it all.

God Bless AMERICA!!!

11:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Terri was a drug abuser, even though her drug of choice was laxatives. Where all the protesters saying how life is precious for other drug abusers.

God is an imaginary friend for adults.

9:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone rational mind that has seen the footage of Terri in her ravaged state would understand that this is a woman who should be put out of her misery. Michael Shiavo is a hero, a hero to his sick wife who never wanted to be a burden on others and who was forced to live by irrational human beings thinking they are doing god's work.

10:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since we're all going to Hell for reading this, send us a postcard.

10:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nobody is going to hell, hell doesn't exist.

8:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Go to!

10:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's even more frightening is the fact that they can't see Michael Schaivo's reasoning behind this: he wanted to marry his new girlfriend in the Catholic church, and couldn't while Terri was alive. If he divorced her, he would be labeled as an adulterer according to the law of Christ. So, of course, the only way to legitimately marry this woman is to kill Terri. I encourage anyone to answer this question: what was so wrong about Schaivo letting her parents care for her? Why did he have to kill her? Truth is, Michael pushed this way too far when he could've lived his new life WITHOUT killing a woman.

Who said that WAS his exact reason for letting her die? The way I see it, she was brain dead. Would YOU like to be left laying around for 15 years without the ability to do or say anything? Sure, we don't know if she could feel or if anything was even actually regestering...but jesus. Imagine if she was just sitting there, for 15 years, doing NOTHING, saying NOTHING. I could only imagine how, after a while, it would slowly work away at your sanity. Do you think that letting her keep on living in such a state would have been the "humane" thing to do? Then you're sick. I can't imagine anything like that being good for anyone, brain-dead or otherwise. Letting her die was the best thing TO do. Now she can finally rest (yet, I know, this site definately isn't letting her "rest in peace", but you know what? She's gone. She doesn't have to suffer. She doesn't have to actually deal with this).

You're not her husband. You can't say that, even if that was part of the reason, that was the only reason (by the way you wrote it, you made it sound as if all he cared about was getting rid of her so he could marry his girlfriend. Which begs the question, he's still married to Schavio, and he's dating. Isn't that also looked down upon by the Catholic church?). I highly doubt that's the entire reason. She was, all in all, his wife. I do believe he didn't want to see her suffer anymore, and decided that it was about time she rested. I mean, god damn. 15 years? That's unbelievable. That's WAY too long.

There's nothing wrong with Schavio letting her parents care for her. But the way I see it, it was rather selfish of them to let her stay around for so long. She was suffering. Would you want to sit around and watch your once healthy, beautiful child waste away like that in 15 years? I know I wouldn't. As hard as death is, sometimes it's the best choice, even though it's the hardest choice.

6:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would have thought the US government would have shot her from a grassy knoll or got some chick to give her oral sex thus political assassination or caught her in a hotel room searching for government documents.. Obviously the "Ethiopian method" is the one they decided was the best approach.

3:58 AM  
Blogger sleepybomb said...

organized religion made you suffer all those years teri! that and your pig-headed parents who, under catholic reasoning, lost their rights to you the day you got married. all those religious bigots made you suffer, when all you asked for was peace. how did it feel having all those fanatics screaming and carousing outside your window. no peace there.
the political right media made you suffer too. making a mockery of what should be a personal choice, blowing it out of proportion and feeding the zealots with airtime to spew their vile, venomous rhetoric in the name of jesus and you. who made them the mouthpiece for god? is that the god where you are, i hope not.
and the politicians who had no reason to further your suffering, other than gain brownie points for those misguided born again jesusfreaks.
god bless michael for sticking to his guns and doing the only merciful thing that could be done for you.

11:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sleepybomb said...

some uncommon sense

5:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alex said...

1. The bible was written by man (MEN) to govern the behavior of other men.


2. Religion is a concept created by the rich to control the poor. Not even in the bible is there a mention of church or religion.

No mention, nor did Jesus outlaw divorce, gays, woman priests or condoms.

3. Religious people justify their bigottry by quoting the bible.


4. Religion and hidden agendas are the reason for every conflict since the dark ages.

AND MONEY. MAINLY MONEY - (like oil in Iraq.....)

Am I incorrect? - NOT REALLY

5:06 PM  
Blogger streak said...

Actually, my mom is the drinker. My dad hasn't been around for a good while. Nice try, though.

1:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bart rants....

No it didn't need to be said... I take you apology for your pathetic red neck existence in general.

2 cents - not that much mate.

Bart rants....

No it didn't need to be said... I take you apology for your pathetic red neck existence in general.

2 cents - not that much mate.

"Bart puked...."I’ll start with the crazed liberal Europeans.""

Gosh their 2000 years of history and maturity come to nothing before the sheer brilliance of your historical understanding......

"Those of you that wanted to start a political argument, I’ll finish it for you."

Oh thanks!! You arguments are so mature, well worked out and persuasive... thanks so much, really just thanks.....

"The war in Iraq, why? Simple, apparently you don’t remember WWII."

errr, yerrrrs. and you do? You don't seem to know anything about it???

"So I’ll give you a really quick history lesson. You see, there was this thing called WWI (World War One)."

Oh genius! I can't wait

Right that just happened yes, no relation at all to the previous 450 years of empireal histry in Europe and the tensions created by those Empires, which actually lead to the 2nd World War as well?

Maybe the rest of the world should be invading the US, now the largest torurer, polluter, and breaker of international treaties in the world? Or its friend Israel, which is in breach of more UN relosoution that you have hairs on you chin?

"After WWI the Treaty of Versailles set up regulations that Germany was to follow."

Those are considered by all serious historians (no stupid kids...) to have caused the 2nd world war - as Hitler was able to use in particular the reparations element which was grossly unfair to come to power....

"When Hitler deliberately disobeyed these regulations Europe, rather than enforce them, turned a blind eye to what he was doing."

Well, that is just dumn trash. The regulations as you put it - caused much of the rise of hHitler in the first place - oh and US economic mismanagement which caused the Grear Depression... and No one had time to do anything about it son.

Indeed, America in particular had no wish to see was going on or enter the war.... they abandoned the British to fight alone for three years, which they did really rather well.

"The result of Europe’s refusal to enforce its regulations directly resulted in the deaths of in excess of 40 million people."

Just rubbish - the fact that everyone else had disarmed inline with their hopes for peace and other obligations meant that a reemergent German was very hard to stop. They also had very good staff and equipment - and and tactics... way ahead of the US and stolen from the best Britsh miltary thinkers...

"How does this apply to Iraq? Simple, in the first Gulf War, the US won."

errr it doesn't at all ..... tyical US trash. By the way, wasn't is supposed to be a coalition? The US won did they? .... I would go back to the comic books....

"they then set regulations on things that Sadam wasn’t supposed to have."

You mean the UN???? The US is not able to set regulations as you put it.. it is not the world government.

"when he started making them, (and I’m referring to the SCUD missiles not WMDs, because we can prove that he had those(SCUD missiles))"

Well actually this is just wrong. Iraq possessed no prohibited missiles or technologies of any type, and it is clear that amy such breach could not be a legal cuase of war. I think that has been even in the US papers... you do read yes?

They do have lots of oil, though which Bush wants to burn in the US' oversized cars...

"we (the US) chose to do two things: one learn from history,"

Oh yea!!! right, so I see

If only that were the case. So many states when breifly the one with the most power try to enforce themsleves and thier rule on other smaller countries....the US is making all the same mistakes - in fact it's laughable boring to see how stupid the US public and goivernment is when viewed historically -- and you know almost no history at all.

The British tried the same in Iraq a little while ago. They created a vaguely democratic system in Iraq, under - the Baath paty was set up to oppose that system - like America's failure in Iraq this time.

....and the US, with CIA money put Sadaam in charge of it and paid for him to come to power.... just like Nicaragua, Chile, Cuba (oooops) etc etc

Why don't you learn a little history, son?

"and two enforce our regulations."

You really are pretty dumn... your regulations... You are the world government? I thought I had explained that?

Oh dear - ignorance when so deep and profound is amusing.

"So SHUT UP about Iraq."

Or you (the US) will come and bomb us, huh? I think we can defend ourselves thanks....

'fraid not - we do rather like our free speach here, not your McCarhyite rantings.... I can see that silecne would be the preferred option for someone with a hazy grip on reality such as you....

"Aside for the fact that you're simply being ignorant about the whole situation"

I laugh out loud, in the face of your "vast" knowledge....

"it has nothing to do with Terri Schiavo."

Yes it does, little one. You see, thetwo things are part of the same Neo Conservative philosophy... I think enough said above... its not worth the repeat...

.... if you know nothing about the rest of the world, and a little about yoursleves, it's easy to be confused about issues like Terri, especially if you are taught the sort of creationist rubbish in schools that you doubtless have been.

"Next… for all of you that claim that some people don’t have the right to live; don’t get me started."

I don't think anyone has said that, little one....

"Who are you to say that someone doesn’t have the right to live simply because they are physically deficient?"

We are not - the judges and the doctors who know stuff, like educated people - get it - can tell when people are living or dead!! A body can be kept alive for everrrrrr, by those clever people. They can be fed until the body gets old and dies - 50, 60, 70 years later - even if they are dead - the brain is gone? Can you get this?

"You compare humans to animals, yet I’m sure that you’ve been to the doctor. I’m sure that you’ve taken antibiotics."

Durrrrr. That's the point nonce!!!
The braindead christians say no intervention should be made! except the ones that fulfill ther misunderstood pseudo religion!

and 30 years ago people like you were sayig it was against natural law to feed people like Terry...

"Well I’m sorry to burst your self-centered bubble,"

Don't worry, you haven't made a point yet!

"but according to your logic you shouldn’t be alive either. So, what does this tell us all about the argument “cripples don’t have the right to live,”

You simply haven't got the argument... or much else as far as I can see....

"simply that it’s wrong. It’s wrong because according to you logic people that need modern medicine to survive should be eliminated by natural selection."

That's actually the illogic of your position!!!

"Do you see the Hypocrisy?"

I see your stupidity!

"Next on the docket are the bible beaters. STOP IT. The bible has no place in politics. "

Oh dear - so fundamental views of life should not affect how we live? That's just not going to happen - I'm sure they will immedaitely stop it though!!!!

"I consider myself to be a fairly religious person; however, I realize that the separation of church and state doctrine in the US means just that, SEPERATION of church and state."

Well - but the Neo cons - who haven't got a grip on - fundamentalist, creationist US nationalist bigots (quite like you, really) - are inded trying to erode fundamental freedoms - and have done so. The Patriot Act for instance.

"It's just like every other political debate, the EXTREEME right wing of our government is too inept to create original arguments or ideas of their own so they hide behind the bible."

You mean you are not right wing???

That's a misinterpretation of life. You think you are so original that you don't draw on your beliefs and backgound...?? I hate to think what they are though...

"I'll give you an irrelevant example, the proposed "gay marriage" amendment. Rather than beat the bible, why don't we just get rid of "marriage," civil unions for ALL. Simple, it's because extreme Christian fundamentalists are too busy trying to tell everyone else what to do that they can't see the hypocritical nature of their own argument. Defend you arguments without trying to impose your beliefs on others."

Well - I guess why not.... but hardly opriginal.. Most relationships in Europe already taken place without marriage.

"Ok since I bashed the bible beaters, I have to bash the anti-god people too. I can't nor will I try to sway your beliefs. However, I've got something for you to ponder, even if we are the one in infinity chance that life resulted at random, how did we develop a conscious, why are we self-aware"

Emergent consciousness? You are in fact a creationist.... that position is rather easy to dispell?

"If you can't answer that then you might want to look else ware for answers. Also, don't bash religion unless you've actually read the dogma. Vague and incorrect assumptions about religion only make you look ignorant."

But not as ignorant as silly creationists, who have to ignore all geology, genetics, physics, cosmology etc etc.
"Next group. Those of you that were talking about who was paying for Schiavo to stay alive, simple MEDICARE."

Oh really - get a grip. The woman died 16 years earlier...

"Don't believe me, look it up. YES you tax dollars were paying to keep a vegetable alive for 15 years. Granted her husband had to pay a premium, BUT the vast majority of the money came from MEDICARE. Because, honestly, unless he made close to a 7 figure income he couldn't afford it."

So what..... to pay for stupidy by medicare is as fruitless as paying for it privately....

"Ok, I think that about sums up the wholes in everyone's arguments."

The wholes? Pardon why I laugh... you haven''t made a valid point!!!

"Now here's mine"

Oooo I can't wait

"First the only way that this can be looked at and judged is from the husband and parents' point of view."


" Ok so, for argument's sake let's assume the role of Mr. Schiavo. It's been 15 years since you last had a conversation with you wife, among other things ;). Here's the thing, I don’t' think that everyone grasps the 15 years here. Think about it hypothetically, if your 30 years old, that's half your life."

and if you are 15 years old.....

"So, imagine if you will that your Boyfriend / girlfriend 15 years ago… i.e. in your sophomore year in high school, had the same thing happen. Imagine, hypothetically that you were married to this person. Would you for FIFTEEN years, sit there and hope against hope that they would come out of it. No, you wouldn't. 15 years is a hell of a long time. So, we've just concluded that the husband is, in fact, human. He moved on with his life."

This is not original but it is true...

"Now as for the parents, let's assume, again for argument's sake, that they truly and deeply cared for their daughter. Let's assume that this whole thing had nothing to do with the media."

Yerrrrrs, and that means they wanted her body to survive even if she was totally dead....

"Do they have a legal right to prevent Mr. Schiavo from allowing his wife to die? No they don't."

Correct! Well done, Bart.

"They are no longer her guardians. Legally they have no right to tell her husband what he can and cannot do."

Excellent thinking....

"Here's the other part of this, everyone looks at this as whether or not anyone has the right to KILL Terri Schiavo. It's not killing her, it's LETTING her die. Her life was being prolonged by the feeding tube. What she was going through who knows? It could have been everlasting bliss, or eternal torture. We'll never know. There comes a point where you have to let go, and I think that 15 years it way the hell past that point."


I think that about clears up the political bull shit,"

Oh right - solved in on one, rather arrogant rant!!!?? Way to go!!!!! Bart for president.... but really onlt the personal element withou the religous, spiritual (different), poitical or Social.

"so my advice everyone shut the fuck up, unless what you're about to say is funny. 'Cause that's the reason that this blog even exists. Humor me."

Oh I have, I have....

Well - is what you have said funny? In general your arguement about Terri is consider a humanist view.... nothing new in Europe....maybe in the US you are a potential leader of men, Bart.

You history and regional politics, is the dreary half understood nonsnese we so often hear from you guys.

Just a thought on that, soon the EU and China will be bigger economies that the US. Very soon in historical terms. While you're busy interfering for you own best interest round the world remember other people will be using the same rules soon enough..... and you have better learn to behave before you get taught to by the Chinese in particular who don;t give a monkeys which Christian sect you belong to....

11:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man, you blasted yourself! Who needs defence against this selective crap....

3:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Naaaa..... I'll point out a few things to the boy

Bart young, redneck

Believes that Iraq should have been invaded because he says they had some short range missiles….and because no one could prove they had WMD’s that would be enough to invade…..

I pointed out that "Well actually this is just wrong. Iraq possessed no prohibited missiles or technologies of any type,"

And “In any case, it is clear that any such breach could not be a legal cause of war. I think that has been even in the US papers... you do read yes?"

Bart then turns up some selected news items (which don't work……..)
from "accreted" news sources, the BBC and CNN.

His selections are utter drivel...

(12000 page dossier) "

Later totally disproven - a complete US and UK fabrication.


Totally disproven

Instead, young redneck try these -

Remember that WMDs were the ONLY possible legal reason for war and even those claims were deliberately fabrications

US gives up search for Iraq WMD

Poor US Reporting On
Iraq Weapons Claims
No Iraq Scuds, Chemicals -

Fallout from WMD search failure

The White House has now officially acknowledged what the Washington Post first reported and what many probably assumed was the case anyway - the US search for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq is over, at least in any meaningful sense.

The UK dossier, which Bush relied on - a fabricaton. Not one single element turned out to be true.

Blix (UN Chief Weapons inspector) criticises UK's Iraq dossier

Huge failure of intelligence

The report of the Iraq Survey Group should put an end to a saga which will go down as one of the great failures in the history of intelligence.

Saddam was a potential not an immediate threat, says the ISG report

The group concluded it was unlikely that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction.

Iraq weapons report draws another blank

The latest assessment of Iraq's weapons of mass destruction is scornful of the way intelligence was presented and goes beyond concluding that Iraq was not an imminent threat - it calls for an end to the US doctrine of pre-emptive war

You get the idea - not one bolt or nut of illegal weaponry.... unlike Israel, Russia and the USA. The UN has stated that Iraq was not in breach of any weapons based obligations on the basis of months of investigations.

I do hope this is becoming a little clearer to you young redneck....

Bart drivels....

“”UN resolutions that Iraq is in violation of, there are 16 spanning almost 10 years, and if you don't believe me look them up on the UN's website.””

Well, two things. First, the resolutions in general are passed by a UN heavily weighted in favour of the post War powers… The US simply vetoes anything it doesn’t like…. And doesn’t pay its bills, honour its obligations, and at the moment foists fundamentalist values inappropriately on other nations.

Ao, back to your point. Hmmm - this is rubbish - Israel is in breach of far more despite US manipulations!! - look ‘em up yourself boy, but you 'necks aren't saying invade them huh?

Above all the UN did not vote to go to war and the secretary general has state that the war was ILLEEEEEGALLLL. Got it? And so has every single body of international lawyers…..

"and I'm sure that any intelligent person can figure it out from there." Go see if you can Bartneck

Bartneck really likes UN Res 1441!!! (Oooh, there a shock....)

He says "I particularly like UN Security Council Resolution 1441 (2002)"

Of course 1441 required a SECOND resolution to go to war - which the UN DID NOT PROVIDE. Even the UK attorney general stated that the war would be illegal without such a resolution - you got it yet???

This may help

Iraq war illegal, says Annan

The United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan has told the BBC the US-led invasion of Iraq was an illegal act that contravened the UN charter.
He said the decision to take action in Iraq should have been made by the Security Council, not unilaterally.

"I hope we do not see another Iraq-type operation for a long time - without UN approval and much broader support from the international community," he added.

He said there should have been a second UN resolution following Iraq's failure to comply over weapons inspections.

And it should have been up to the Security Council to approve or determine the consequences, he added.

Ahhhhhh... now Bart gets it - the war was neo con crap to get other peoples oil - there was NO threat, no legal basis and the US of A put Saddam in power in the first place...!!!!

Bart rambles on

“”And, just as a side note, look at the dates on each document (the BBC and CNN articles; I haven't forgotten about them). In chronological order, the report on Iraq's 12,000 page dossier to the UN is dated January 27, 2003 and the report on the missiles being found is dated March 3, 2003. Wait a second, that's after Iraq told the UN that they didn't have any prohibited weapons. “”

Yes indeed young Bartneck - that's because the US and UK provided information to the UN that was a pack of lies!! While now every one admits it.... oooops, we already invaded so never mind!!!

Virtually everyone who voted for 1442, has stated they would have opposed the resolution with true information being available. Ditto the British parliament, and parliamentarians of Spain and Italy.

Bart opines

“”I think that more than proves my point.””

errrrrr. no. It doesn’t.

"So to quote you, "you do read yes?" So do yourself a favo(u)r and read up on a subject before you open you mouth next time."

Oh how little knowledge is a dangerous thing, Bartneck!!!

Bart raves on

“”Gosh their 2000 years of history and maturity come to nothing before the sheer brilliance of your historical understanding......" 2000 years of history maybe. Maturity, keep dreaming.””

Actually it's more of a nightmare....

You call Americans "war-mongers" because they go into Iraq, yet Europe's history of war and social strife is mature? I see; it's ok if YOU do it.

Well, we seem to be pretty stable compared to you gun toting asses. Less than a tenth of the murder rate, massively higher quality of life indicators (USA is 33 rd in the world!) racial integration, etc etc etc.

They say Americans can’t do sarcasm….it’s true

Bart opines “”2 cents - not that much mate." It's an expression””

Ooooooohm it is, is it - that's one of those clever American ones??? In Europe we just have Moliere and Shakespeare, it’s too hard for me!!!

"I'm assuming, based on all your other comments, that you didn't get it."

hmmmmm, just about managed Bart Neck...

Bart’s historical analysis continues, I’m afraid.
"Right that just happened yes, no relation at all to the previous 450 years of empireal history in Europe and the tensions created by those Empires, which actually lead to the 2nd World War as well?"

Bart opines “”Actually, through you ignorant sarcasm, you got it. WWII had virtually nothing to do with the "450 years of empirical tensions" as you put it. WWII was the result of a deranged anti-Semite on a quest for world domination. Hitler was simply an answer to the problems in Germany created after WWI. “”
Bart reduces all pre War European history to an infantile and inaccurate soundbite!!!

“Ok, as for my argument about WWII, I'll admit that I made a mistake in simplifying the issue. Allow me to clarify. "

Oh god.... clarify, Bart????

"I know that Hitler came to power because of the depression that Germany was put into as a result of the Treaty of Versailles. I also know that he stayed in power because he fixed that problem."

Errrrr.....this is again infantile...

"Furthermore I know that the treaty placed sole economic responsibility for the war on Germany."

Where did you copy that from – not even your language? This is true though.

"But I doubt that YOU know that that was EUROPE'S idea not America's."

Oh Bart......

"You should look up something called "Wilson's 14 points" because I doubt that they taught you about that in school (assuming you went, which is doubtful). Specifically look at the 14th point. What's that? The League of Nations? "

Oh Bart......

OH MY GOD, the forefather of the UN. WOW. Imagine that, the idea for an international organization came from the US not Europe.

Oh Bart..... read a little more and come back on that one!!! You are making this up as you go along? Your understanding is at about 16 year old standard, here. Have a look see where these ideas came from!!!

“”Maybe the rest of the world should be invading the US, now the largest torturer, polluter, and breaker of international treaties in the world? Or its friend Israel, which is in breach of more UN resolution that you have hairs on you chin?””

You agree with that at least....

“”Our friend Israel? Last time I checked it was the BRITISH colony of Pakistan that was used to create it after WWII.””

That is a joke, right? There was never any BRITISH colony of Pakistan!!! Nor did it have anything to do with the creation of Israel!! Total, rubbbbbbish!!!!

“”Yes we do support Israel (way too damn much)””

Hooooray! Bart has made an intelligent point.... GOLD STAR

Bart opines “”But all the allies had a hand in creating it.””

Indeed, in particular Churchill, but the US has made it the genocidal mess it is today – and no one else…..

Bart opines “”Biggest polluter", ok, I can take that with a grain of salt. It's easy for someone to say when their country is the size of Texas.””

Oh Lord – no, no, no. The US produces more pollution PER HEAD than any other nation on earth. Uses more energy and wastes more than any one else PER HEAD. Creates more greenhouse gases, and hydrocarbon pollutants….. etc… the list is pretty ENDLESS…. (I am starting to use caps to make you feel at home)

And to which treaties, exactly, are you referring to? Be specific. I am.

You are NOT specific.

You are finding a few facts from the web, as if doing a school essay, without any general knowledge etc to put them in context. This is a deep kind of ignorance, akin to making up statistics.

These facts are therefore out of context and random. First, look at Environmental Treaties, and then think about International Criminal Court – (OK – yes, yes, yes - use google!)

More Bart History…

“”The regulations to which I am referring to are those which limited the size and strength of him military, not REPARATIONS, the monetary issue.””

Not regulations – they were terms of a Treaty. You can only be saying that material breaches should have lead to immediate war! The point was the desperate efforts to avoid that – you point out that in fact avoiding war by diplomatic means was the only. Either way you would have - just war! (and doesn’t the US like fighting wars in other peoples countries…..)

“”Also, I'm curious, oh great sage, how is it that the US economic depression led to WWII? Cause I'm not seeing a relation. “”

This is basic stuff, Bart old boy. 13 year old stuff here. Depression, desperation, extremism, hyperinflation – gave Hitler his chance. There’s a lot of material about that out there.

“”and let me get that last part right; because no one had the time to do anything about it, it suddenly becomes ok to ignore the rules, however unfair they may be? Wrong answer! A country should always uphold what it believes is right regardless of weather or not it's convenient at the time.””

Groan….. the point is to avoid slaughter, no. See above.

"Indeed, America in particular had no wish to see was going on or enter the war.... they abandoned the British to fight alone for three years, which they did really rather well."

Bart Opines

“”Have you ever heard of the Lend-Lease Act? I suppose not. That would require you to read. And, judging by your complete ignorance of events only two years prior, I'd say you are clueless about this as well. Look it up! There is a difference between completely abandoning, and not committing fully. “”

Well – again you don’t know the stuff. Lend lease was a little, and rather late. It was valuable enough though. The British had called for direct US intervention and only a few in the US, - above all in the leadership, Roosefelt under Churchill’s influence – saw the danger to the whole Western model, but needed Pearl Harbour etc to get there. Without those - who knows if the US would have joined the war against the Axis at all.

"Just rubbish - the fact that everyone else had disarmed inline with their hopes for peace and other obligations meant that a reemergent German was very hard to stop."

Bart opines “”Again you're wrong. Everyone else didn't disarm. Hell, France did just the opposite.
Ever heard of the Maginot Line? Again, knowing about this would have required you to read up on history, so I'll say you didn't know. Again, Look it up!””

Good grief…. Bart. No one denies that the Europeans had run down their forces after WW1 – except you!!!

Structures like the Maginot were very last minute, and the French were very very unprepared….. the British were desperately trying to build new planes -like the Spitfire, and did a wonderful job in very little time. Everyone did something at that late stage!!

You are in fact saying that the European powers should have attacked and disarmed Germany pre emptively – which was simply not possible!!! The Maginot was an engineering solution to a flat land boundary and easily bypassed. You can’t just pluck stuff off Google and assume that is knowledge…. There is a whole context to this!!!

Bart opines

"errr it doesn't at all ..... tyical US trash. By the way, wasn't is supposed to be a coalition? The US won did they? .... I would go back to the comic books.... " WOW you actually caught a mistake, I'm surprised, maybe you can read. The UN coalition, I apologize.

Only one?!! You haven’t really got the history at all – at all..

The truth is "They do have lots of oil, though which Bush wants to burn in the US' oversized cars..."

Bart opines

“”Yes, because the US economy has benefited SO much from invading Iraq. Last time I checked, gas prices have actually, believe it or not, increased since Iraq. So how might I ask, is it that we are "taking" oil yet seeing no benefit from it? Could it be that maybe, just maybe, we aren't taking oil? And since when did the size of a vehicle matter one way or the other?””

Yes - it hasn’t quite worked out has it. The appalling lack of a post war plan as reduced the whole thing to an incompetent and embarrassing shambles. The success of the insurgency has really been a total shock to the Pentagon – and the 1600 US war dead….

"'fraid not - we do rather like our free speech here, not your McCarthyite rantings.... I can see that silence would be the preferred option for someone with a hazy grip on reality such as you...."

Bart, Barts…..

“Last time I checked I never encroached on you free speech. “

Oh so SHUT UP ABOUT THE WAR was an invitation to a free debate, redneck style!!!!!

Bart whines “”Hazy grip on reality"? Is that so? Not only can I support my opinions, BUT I can support them with FACT, something you have yet to do””

See above. Not a FACT in sight!!! You do sound a bit like a mid west religious crazy who wants to sound all logical…….

6:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

“”Next… for all of you that claim that some people don’t have the right to live; don’t get me started.' I don't think anyone has said that, little one....””

“”And I quote, "Excuse me but Hitler's Euthanasia laws were brilliant! The sickly, cripples and retards are unfit to live and should be done away with, you are doing them a favour as most of them are too cowardly to kill themselves. It is inhumane for anyone to live in such terrible conditions. It's a shame Hitler lost WWII, he was a brilliant man.””

Oh dear Bart – you are quoting the online Nazi who has been flushed from these parts as you should be. You do specialise in the selective quotation!!

Bart opines “”Apparently you've just proved, yet again that you don't read before you open your mouth, little one.””

Hmmm… I think not. I think you demonstrate a capacity to misunderstand any argument for your own purposes…. But there again, little one, you are very little yet.

“”We are not - the judges and the doctors who know stuff, like educated people - get it - can tell when people are living or dead!! A body can be kept alive for everrrrrr, by those clever people. They can be fed until the body gets old and dies - 50, 60, 70 years later - even if they are dead - the brain is gone? Can you get this?"”

Bart whines that everything he sais is taken out of context…..
“”That's irrelevant and you know it””

Oh Lord…. No Bart it is the real point about these decisions. That’s why the UK for instance has Medical Ethics committees full of very bright people indeed who guide in such matters, not some half witted Southern Baptists…..and over opinionated kids

Bart whines “”To argue that point, one must define life and death. Is consciousness life, or is bodily function life? You get the idea (I hope).””

No, mate. The point is can the body contain the consciousness whatever it may be, or can very clever, well-educated and experienced people tell (as they can) whether it is damaged beyond that point! Debates about consciousness are irrelevant and esoteric in such circumstances. They are the reserves of smart arse kids with no experience of life or death, except maybe their hamster.

Can you get this idea (I hope!!!)

“”Umm, again, your inability to follow a train of though has led you in the wrong direction. Just to clarify, (although if you read what I wrote in context, it shouldn't be necessary) what I was referring to were the Neo-Nazis who think that Hitler was a god among men (as cited above)””

Blah blah blah blah and more blah, pointless, unedifying and deleted

Well, mate if those were your chains of thought they were pretty dismal ones, and not exactly clear as a bell!!! Well, I suggest it would be hard to decipher that from your doubtless, locally, good English.!!!

The point actually, is that fundamentalist Christians (such as yourself, despite what you imply) have held many views on these matters – a few years ago medical intervention was considered evil in many circumstances – and condoms anti life. Rtv etc. Nowadays, intervention to save life is good even if the person is actually clinically dead….no working brain stem, no higher functions, no possibility of regeneration. The live is maintained artificially and cruelly….. and indeed in breach of that and other faiths from many points of view. These are real ethical issues and not just some practical misadventure you describe – although the humanist argument is a real one.

“”But not as ignorant as silly creationists, who have to ignore all geology, genetics, physics, cosmology etc etc.””

“”Ok, so by genetics, you mean Darwin's THEORY of evolution, correct?””

You are a creationist - oh dear me. Darwinian and post Darwinian though in fact – and the massive body of science that lies behind it – and even the newer ideas of morphic resonance to use my own bastardisation of a much reviled theory.

“”And by Physics, you mean that by utilizing the scientific law of E=MC2, if light slows down, as it is postulated to constantly do; then matter is created? Correct?
(Undoubtedly I'm giving you too much credit, assuming that you know these things, but for arguments' sake) But where cosmology and geology fit in to those THEORIES I don't know””

LOL! Oh dear, I do struggle with these things you know – the scientific law…….!! Your obviously deep knowledge of Einsteinian theory is a wonder to behold, and you espousal of it a little embarrassing to be honest….. who do you think you are going to impress with these irrelevant copings?

Little one, OK – Geology. Have a look at the work of Prof Charles Lyell of Kings, London – this may help. Cosmology -I think you are joking….. your point is too silly???.

"Oh really - get a grip. The woman died 16 years earlier..."Well, that may very well be true. However, it doesn't change the fact that MEDICARE, i.e. American tax-dollars paid her medical expenses for 16 years.

Yet again, look at things IN CONTEXT.

"So what..... to pay for stupidy by medicare is as fruitless as paying for it privately...."

Bart opines “”That comment doesn't even make sense.””

Errrr yes it does. It is saying that paying for something very stupid in one way or another is not the point. The point is the stupidity.

And at least I have the tenacity to put some kind of name on what I write so that you know who to attempt to tirade back at. You on the other hand will simply be "anonymous."

Boo hooo – publish your name and address if you think it matters. I couldn’t care less.

“”Next time you want to go on a rant about ignorance, make sure that you can back it up.””

Uggggg……. clueless

Bart opines “”As for the EU and China, here's the catch, they may, and probably will exceed the US in economic production, however, without the US they are nothing””

Bullshit…….the Chinese have an internal market of unbelievable potential and no intention of playing by your rules. They exceed the US educationally, and gradually economically. The US will become a bit part player…. squeezed by its own social and educational failure, and the new geopolitics.

Bart opines “”It's called Globalisation. Why do you think that the Chinese economy is so large? It's because it's cheaper for foreign companies to take advantage of their egregious human rights violations. That's why the shirt that I'm sure you're wearing has a tag on it that undoubtedly says, "Made in China." Globalisation, look it up.””

…. Oh Lord so original…..and when they have a middle class of 700 million? You so often state the obvious as big news – do you live somewhere really quiet – or are you really just 15 as it appears?? The massive new middle classes in China feel so abused you know…..

“”You can try Thomas Friedman's book The Lexus and the Olive tree, or Jared Diamond's Guns, Germs, and Steel. But again, (**sigh**) that would require you to read.””

Or not – these are both pretty average US angled pop texts, but nonetheless useful to understand how the US tries to convince itself of its own future influence.

Try instead George Soros’s work, the Bubble of American Supremacy.

“”You mock me, "I laugh out loud, in the face of your "vast" knowledge...."Yet, you are, quite obviously, the ignorant one. Again, your insults are more fitting to you than me. Your attempts at reason are laughable at best. You refer to me as a 15 year old; well this "15" year old obviously knows more than you.””

errr…… no. But aren’t you insecure!!!

Your other comments about the second poster are well….. comments. Drivel - I think you got summed up pretty well there…. uggg. Your response to that is truly repulsive.

"wandering, incoherant, inconsistent load of trash," Glad you think your spelling’s good though!

I await a summary of Barts latest world view!!! Please!!!!

6:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bart said...
Oh, and before i forget, put a name, or something, on your posts. The "anonymous" thing is really annoying.

6:36 PM

Oh well

6:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Bart

You are young - these are tough responses, but mostly right -

you are saying some pretty dangerous things neo conservative things that people will oppose

That's how it is.....

6:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bart is young here...

Lets not take this to seriously - what were you thinking when you were his/her age?

and how much real knowledge did you have at that age... none?

Well that's abou thow it is here. It's irritating but not death sentance please. (just as well Jeb Bush would be on his side though!)

2:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Potted Bart (And is he/she/it - is anonymous!, by which he means doesn’t have his own blog?)

Give the world your real name d location, Bart. (sigh….)

He may be a silly high school kid, but he has some very right wing views.

Bart Still believes that Iraq should have been invaded even if the US was just looking for an excuse, because he says they had some weapons despite the work of the UN decommissioning teams etc.….and because Bush couldn’t prove they had WMD’s that would be enough to invade.

Bart knows that papers released under FOI disclosed from the earliest days of GB’s administration talked about “acquiring” an oil rich state as everyone knows, but you just can’t say that.

Similar stuff from the UK has turned up and been leaked. The war was in planning stages long before, as a matter of policy to secure oil reserves and reduce dependency on “enemy’s of the United States.

For Bart, who identifies himself closely with US imperialism, the US makes the rules and if anyone breaks them they should be attacked. Indeed just like John Wayne, Bart (oh I mean the US) says what happens, not the international community.

Let’s call it “right to death”.

Bart uses Google to find some news items, which if taken out of context support that Iraq had certain weapons. Bart has a problem with context, because he is making it up as he goes along. He will be doing that now to try to find some supporting material!

Actually he knows that Iraq had no illegal weapons and this was just an excuse as most people could see form the start.

Bart says Iraq was in breach of UN resolutions and should have been invaded anyway. OK no one else agreed, and nor did the UN or any legal authorities, but Hey – lie big and it works.

Bart “ particularly likes UN Security Council Resolution 1441 (2002)" which was passed on the basis of the wrong evidence provided by the US “intelligence “ services and those of the UK.

1441 was not a basis for war. (sigh) but he hasn’t heard about that small detail.

Bart still tries to understand European history from the web – but this high school kid states many things as certain facts.

FACT. American High School students are always experts on other people’s history…. And, well everything else.

He thinks Pakistan was a British colony and founded Israel. I laugh out loud!!!? All the good things came from America and the bad things from Europe! That’s how Hollywood presents it. (forget Viet Nam, Korea, and Somalia – but ever those deranged US interventions can be made to look good and heroic, Bart will have seen Black Hawk Down!)

Bart does not understand US failures overseas and internationally, which he takes with a pinch of salt. There are no films about that.

He thinks that the US invasion was a generous act to the people if Iraq which the US has suffered form economically – its heroic in fact. (forget the 130,000 civilians killed by the US in the war) The US has suffered from economic difficulties after the war which is heroic, not caused by incompetence, poor planning and a total failure to understand the place invaded. The US forgot to ask the British what is was like there!

Bart’s Right to life.

Bart has been worried about the online Nazi – and is not actually as right wing as he appears on Terri. He is a Christian, but not one of the bad ones! Hmmmm. Perhaps he’s more spiritual??? He is misunderstood, and his statements are apparently out of context. He does now seem to understand that brain death mean no coming back, end of story, over and out. Hooorah!!!!

He is rather confused here and doesn’t understand the role of science in undermining fundamentalist Christian belief – like Geological time scales and the Creation, Cosmology - and Creation, the rest of science – and Creation. One out of ten Bart.

Bart’s science is high school (or less), but presented as real fact! Bart, major in history – or actually something else entirely – home economics maybe!

Bart on International Relations and Economics

USA rocks and won’t become a second rate power as the world changes. Phew!!!!

3:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Bart,

How is it you are not anonymous? You are basically just BART -original, kid, real original

I can see you are used to getting your own way with mom.... but you really know squat....

Come back in ten years when that's been put right.

Jes' whining f'ing up their ass teenagers

4:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

this is amusing to say the least.

What the American disaster in Iraq, US keeping world poverty very much alive, global warming very much growing, refusing to take part in any worthwhile progress unless its about US getting richer...

Life's a big joke eh kid...?? Actually when and if you grown up you may just get a shock

4:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bobby Wright said...

alls kinds of sad stuff. Christian looser

But she's not hurt at all -

"I only popped back on just for humor sake to see how my simple 'opinion' may have set anyone off.

You have the right to your own opinion as I have the right to mine, for opinions are like a$$holes....everybody has one, (it just so happens that some people ARE one).

Now to make this a tad more sweet in my eyes: too late, I already have 6 children and I, (according to many) are "head-turning hot". *personally, I'd rank myself as average* 5'6", 38 C, size 9"

Yea right.... head turning hot size 9!!!

That's only your brain!!!

4:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK OK.... the US was wrong in Iraq and will pay for it. It was wrong in Viet Nam, and Korea. It was wrong in Somalia. No, the US is not combatting world poverty and structural inequality, and yes - the US is the worlds main polluter and expects everyone else to clean up not US.

But what the F can I do about any of it....

12:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
this is amusing to say the least.

What the American disaster in Iraq, US keeping world poverty very much alive, global warming very much growing, refusing to take part in any worthwhile progress unless its about US getting richer...

Life's a big joke eh kid...?? Actually when and if you grown up you may just get a shock

4:03 AM

So the US campaign in Iraq is amusing, and the rest? - Bart you are a sad fuck, at any age.

3:27 PM  
Blogger JayTool said...

This is written by a 17 year old. Keep up the good work young man, this is fantastic. Don't ever let them put you back on your medications. We'll have a toast when I see you in hell!

7:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a fine education system we have produced....

10:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bart, appears humble. He believes he has established common ground with his detractors.

He thinks that the widespread hatred of the US is just a question of perspective. “So consequently your view on history is a product of where you learned it. ““This would explain your very obvious contempt for the US. (I'm not being sarcastic) “

Many here have said that US ‘culture’ has perfected the derogation of any other nations or countries. Such arrogance in the 21st Century is apparently unacceptable (and who can disagree - that’s perhaps why the US is according to some sources more hated than any other state or empire in recent history.)

Posters here have indicated that The US is in so many ways contemptible – its self-congratulatory ignorance of the rest of the world – its violence, it’s lack of self-criticism, its worship of materialism, the amount of fundamentalism. These things are pretty unique in history.

Bart asks humbly why is it that Iraq is the US's war?”


“It seems that the only real issue here is Iraq. Like I said, the only thing that anyone could prove Iraq had in violation of UN regulations were the Al-Samoud 2 missiles. They exceeded the 150km max-range set by the UN.

Ok, so we can agree on that. (Yes this happened and the UN weapons inspectors agree on it, Blix was the one that reported on it).


”Another question; why is it that practically ever liberal (not meant to be derogative) believes that the reason for Iraq was oil? Seriously? It sounds more like a conspiracy theory than a valid argument, explain.

The earlier commentators have indicated that it was initiated by and for the benefit of the US (or certain groups in the US, ideologically, politically and economically…. Not urban black poor for instance, who have largely fought it!) ? Apparently that hasn’t got through.

But even then he doesn’t understand why the war happened!

Bart says, It’s all hindsight - America was threatened by missiles with 100 mile range from Iraq - or so it seemed at the time!!!

“”So the question isn't, "was Iraq truly an imitate threat;" (hindsight being 20-20) rather the question is, did our leaders truly believe that it was.””

Other posters have said - No one was threatened except maybe Iran. The threat to Iran was the reason the CIA put Saddam in power in the first place…. But it went wrong.

Elsewhere here, various folks have explained that Saddam, only threatened the wealth of the US industrial elite. Money money money. Etc etc. Clear enough. Comments about John Wayne etc.

I would add that leaks during the UK elections proved that Jack Straw, Foreign Secretary, in the UK wrote a recently memo 8 months before the war pointing out that there was no real case for war – and asking for officers to come up with justifications. Maybe that has already been mentioned, if so apologies.

Also - The famous UK dossier and claim that WMD could be launched in 45 mins was cribbed from a PhD thesis – and a bad one. The author retracted these comments, as later did UK security organisations. Bush relied on this documents. There was no threat to the West from Saddam Hussein.

Bart indicates that current US politicians are basically honourable.

“”We must trust that our political figureheads will tell us the truth.””

For myself I would add that in the US, only the rich can become president. I believe you need a proper democracy, and meritocracy of intelligence and aptitude, not inherited wealth and stolen votes. You need to have a genuinely democratic system, with the poor and rich alike enrolled to vote.

I would say that you already know that no one believed seriously that Saddam has WMD and Blix/UN already had already overseen the destruction of the medium range missiles - which in any case as a sovereign state he had every right to have. I understand that the USA has 20,000 similar weapons plus the mass of cruise missiles, which are not governed by any limitation treaties etc.

As pointed out, there is little doubt that all the parties knew, like the UN that Saddam was not threat to the West. They simply lied and manufactured evidence to create a legal case, but failed to do so.

You will also be able to find references to various neo conservative policy statements recommending acquiring an oil rich state very early in the Bush presidency….

In relation to War on the basis of Human Rights abuse, there would obviously be many other more pressing candidates for invasion – China, Zimbabwe, Burma several African states where the US simply looks on without interest. It is simply the truth. Iraq affects the US economically and is often seen as being key to the oil chain supply. You will be able to find material covering all of this at the BBC etc.

I hope that clarifies why the war was a US one, an illegal one and a threat to the whole international system which we will all rely on in the future.

Bart says

“And I never said that the USA rocks. We have our fair share of issues.

Well yes in the G8 - the highest rates of murder, gun crime, divorce, division between wealth and poverty, most wars fought, most polluting, most miscarriages of justice, most executions, worst public health care, worst public transport, most personal dissatisfaction, most therapy, most fundamentalists, most afraid, etc etc.

“I'm far from ignorant.” Well – accept that you have a long way to go between a little learning and knowledge. I suggest wisdom is yet another matter.

On other matters Bart states…

“Same with Korea, that was UN not US,”

Well in reality Korean was only nominally a UN war – command and manpower were mainly US…. It only happened under the auspices of the UN because vital Security Council Members were boycotting the relevant meeting!!

“and, side note Vietnam—never formally a war. “

Was was not declared, and the US forces withdrew with some 60,000 dead without formal surrender. Nonetheless, the VietNamese call it the US War, and count their dead in 100 of thousands, rapes against women aged 8 to 82 by US servicemen in tens of thousands. The war was fought by US anti communist rightist ideologues to prevent the spread of communism.

The US isn’t afraid of Communists any more, the new enemy is economic and religious.

”Religion we obviously don't agree on, and we probably never will.

Correspondents here have indicated clearly that it is fundamentalist intolerance in the US and how it is put into effect both nationally, (the imposition of medieval belief systems on its children) and internationally the basic intolerance and misunderstanding of other faiths and traditions and nations.”

3:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hell00000 Bart

You still don't get it??? Iraq was a war fought by right wingers and fndamentalists for their own benefit, just lie Viet Nam.

.... with a few scumbag toadies like Blair added on. The Poles admit they just want the oil and no more.... the others just haven't admitted it.... More and more nations are leaving in shame... Bulgaria and Poland I think. But don't forget it is poor US kids who are being slaughtered over there,... oh and innocent Iraqi's. ... and there is no way the US will be able to leave any time soon.... 5, 10 years of slaughter. MORONS

Religion - you have to be a total MORON to beleive in creation.... TOTAL MORON. Geology shows the earth has been around for 40 million years -NO DOUBT....and DEVELOPED. It wasn't created. The plants animals and us - developed too - no instant creation. It 's in the fossil record... what's more apart from people like you they are still developing!!!

Genesis is absurd medieval jewish fantasy!!!... or at best myth!

All other science agrees with that - so if you assholes don't it's your loss moron.

As to the war - the same anus' that beleive the above in the US also beleive they can take over anything they want in the world cos they are right and everyone is wrong.... just like creation.

You don't need to see what is right in front of your fat nose - common sense science or anything.... because you are saved, and that it better than anyone else.

Bart.... join the modern world or jump of something tall and take some of your fundo mates with you.

1:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Geology shows the earth has been around for 40 million years

Cut and paste there - 40 BILLION years.

Creation as in Genesis - never happened

7:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

uggg. sorry must learn to type

4 BILLION YEARS!!! (or 4.5 Billion to be picky)

Makes no difference to the Genesis myth though

7:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bart - found this for you - OK ?

7:46 AM  
Blogger Toad734 said...

I find this all very humorous

12:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yup..... funny like beleiving in literal interpretations of Genesis here and now in the 21st Century.... now that is funny

8:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ps - china town slag, or whatever

In the US, freedom of speach and debate are generally considered good things. Maybe not where you come from, but hey?????............

4:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you are all so sad

6:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I died in a car accident, where do you wanna meet me?
Let's go to Jesus's place and have a chat on politic's eh?

6:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, Terry has been up in heaven for the last 15 years. What's you've been hearing are the involuntary noises made by a vegetable.

3:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear "Informed,"

Terri's parents were NOT paying for the care and legal actions that are keeping her alive. They bitched and screamed and yelled and cried to keep her alive, but SOMEONE ELSE was paying for it.

The funding for Terri's medical care comes from the malpractice settlement obtained BY HER HUSBAND after she went into a coma. NOT HER PARENTS.

Terri's medicine is paid for by Medicaid. NOT HER PARENTS.

Before you call yourself "Informed," it might be a good idea to do some actual research so you don't look like a moron when you post your opinion. It took me less than 10 minutes on the Internet to find this information.


9:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

politics ... politics kept you in a bed getting bed sores that takes months to go away .

politics kept you on a machine to pump your dieng body with air you couldnt breat on your own ..

politics kept tubes in you when people knew if you drank or ingested food without a tube you would choke and die .

3:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i dont think that this is a matter of life or death but more about the embarrasment in the last few days of your lifeless existence. I feel pain not because of the way she is being put to death but more for the way her death is being portrayed. people make the decision to put their family members into a quicker death to take away their pain all the time, but what makes this case so sick is the publicity that is created that in turn creates sites like this.

granted i am wasting the minutes of my life on this blog the way i carelessly waste them on a parliment menthol light cigarette when i take a break from this site.

2:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Teh internets is serious business.

Also, some people need humor transplants.

1:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i lol @ you

11:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ur a fake
a big fake
terry schiavo
yeah right

5:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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9:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think the state that Terri was in could actually be called "living".

Funny how Christians don't want us to "play God", but yet they didn't mind keeping Terri alive artificially...

Either way, great blog!

7:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

terri you must be hungry

5:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...



7:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The woman WAS in "Heaven" (or the OTherworld, or Nirvana, the "Other Side," whatever you want to call it) 15 YEARS AGO!! Whatever made Terri a unique individual (her "soul," "life-force," "spirit" "kaa," or whatever you want to call it) left that body LONG AGO...the obscenity consisted of keeping that body functioning for years after the poor woman had DIED? What the FUCK is it with Christ-Crispies that HATE this world so much they're willing to destroy it in order to bring on the "rapture," yet they're so damned FIXATED on bodily functions?!?

4:39 PM  
Blogger Dr. Atul said...

We always wanted to send u there. But u never wanted to make eaarth heaven :D Great Jokes at

11:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Give my best to Patrick Swayze. I hear he likes to dance. I'm tempted to make a tasteless joke about vegetables and "salsa" dancing but I'll refrain. Cheers.

10:54 AM  
Blogger Nick said...

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5:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

majken chimera (KHIMAIRA) rio
KHIMAIRA ( vel Chimera ) eram a ingens bestia quod vastata rus of Lykia in Anatolia. Is eram a alienigenus creatura , per somes quod decursus caput capitis of a Leo a goat's caput capitis ortus ex suus tergum a paro of goat udders , quod a serpentine tail.
The vir Bellerophon eram occupo perimo is per Rex rgis Iobates. Is rode in pugna obviam bestia in tergus of volatilis equus Pegasos quod , coegi a plumbum tipped lancea down Khimaira's flamma per, praefoco.
Khimaira may have quondam been identified per hiberna-ortus Sidus Libido (serpent-tailed goat). sidus Pegasos videor urgeo suus ex polus. In classical scriptor reddo bestia ut a metaphor parumper Lycian volcano.

1:59 PM  

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