Monday, May 16, 2005

That's all Folks!

Well, this has gone on long enough. I figured I might as well let you know I'm done with this blog. Last night I stubbed my toe which I'm pretty sure is a sign that God is trying to punish me for making a mockery of Terri's situation. I figure I might as well quit while I'm ahead - before He gets really mad and gives me a bad hair day or ties my shoelaces together.

To whoever enjoyed this blog:
I'm glad there are people like you out there who have the ability to recognize a joke when they see one and laugh at it without shame. People who believe that if there is a God, he probably doesn't care that much if they laugh at someone else's misfortune once in a while. I'm not saying you should go out and make a habit of laughing at cripples and retards, but if you slip up every now and then, you probably won't go to hell for it. If you can't get enough of me and my inherent awesomeness, I'll still be over here.

To whoever didn't enjoy this blog:
That's cool too. You're allowed to think what you want. I didn't force you to read this site and I can't force you to laugh at it. I hope reading a bunch of letters in no particular order didn't take too much time out of your day and wish you best of luck in your pursuit of non-offensive humor.

To whoever didn't enjoy this blog and felt it necessary to inform me of my destiny to be punished in hell for all eternity, what with the fire and brimstone and Satan and blah blah blah:
You might not realize it, but you're part of the joke. The bigger part. All I did was type a bunch of shit on a webpage which in itself was only slightly amusing. The real comedy, for me at least, showed up when you did. I'm also pretty confident that I'm not the only one that thinks this. I definitely enjoyed the creativity of some of the insults, specifically "You guys think you are funny making fun of her, Fuck you retarded assholes, whoever write this website is probably live in a retarded house or will be,". I laughed at that failed attempt at a sentence for a long, long time. Thank you, anonymous.

Who knows. Maybe one day I'll end up in a coma and the joke will be on me. If I still have the brain capacity to laugh, I'll be laughing just as hard as any of you.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kudos To You, Sir.

2:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The idea was great and this site'll always be remembered.

(P.S. My friends and I are trying to have a "vegetative state" party, basically where we make drooling, stale, lifeless faces.

Good luck with the rest of your endeavors!

4:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You should run for president and save the country. ;)

6:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

:Salute: Way to go out on a good note.

6:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

R.I.P. blog...


good job u legend!

7:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

my friend laura can be the next terri, she does a great job on a daily basis..especially when she makes this raptor noise.

if u hate lauras, then theres always sarah..she tends to run into trash cans and yell out terri comments in the middle of history class...

shit i think my dog just rolled down a hill...schiavo out

7:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so today i beat pope moaning swan at a drinking contest in downtown newhall today...

7:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

all i have to say is 'yes.' ... as in a 'good job' 'yes.' yes.

7:59 PM  
Blogger Lumbergh-in-training said...

too bad you have to finish this.


10:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


10:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I enjoyed it. I would say that every part of it was flawless. good job.

11:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree, the real comedy show'd up with the people who don't do well with funny.

I can't wait to see what's next!


6:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thats a pretty cool statement. thanks for this blogg. mick, munich, germany

7:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i just think it is sad that u choose to pick on a person that cant even defined her self... but like u said i guess there is nothing that ppl like me, that dissagree with u, can do to stop ppl like you from laughing... i hope ur hair falls out for all i care...

9:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just when I got on the bandwagon, it's stopping.

It certainly was amusing while it lasted!

10:43 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

No, well done.

But even though I laughed and felt terrible and forwarded it on to all my friends, I suspect you and I and everyone who sent an email beginning "Okay, I know I'm going to hell for this..." to all their friends they were sure could take a joke...

Well, we might actually be going to the bad place after this world.


3:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had a great time with this webiste. I'd like to thank you.

8:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll miss it, but it had a good run. I salute you, sir.


9:05 PM  
Blogger Full Metal Lunchbox said...

Congratulations on this fabulous blog... and for knowing when to quit.

I believe that somewhere up in heaven Terri is smiling down upon you, in between doing tequila shots with the Pope.

3:07 AM  
Blogger Michelle said...

i'll miss u!!

10:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Noooooooooooooooo! Don't leave me! I'll change I swear! *clutches ankle*

3:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

enjoy your life in heaven terri - we know there are no fundamentalist christians there to bother you again!!!

(and thanbks to Streak for being the conduit!!!)

1:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you; common sense prevails once again against the rampant idiocy on the "Intarweb."

Your particular brand of humor gave me many a laugh with my boss (I introduced him to this, and he cracked up) in the office in the mornings, at home at nights, and with friends who often went "Oh, god, I'm going to hell for reading this."

You, sir, have singlehandedly restored my personal faith that humanity is not entirely made up of oversensitive twits who can't find humor even in the worst situations, and I thank you for it.

5:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Should have kept this blog going with going with AutoBlogger. :D

8:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well done.

...and if we're all going to hell for this, I can say there is no finer company than that of those who share my sense of humour I'd rather spend an eternity with.

I'll bring the marshmallows and we can make s'mores and drink RC Cola.

Great statement and thanks for the laughs!

7:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

this 'blog' has been absolutely disrespectful.

2:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The real story of the last moments of Terri Schiavo's life

Story by JOE BABENDREIER /Thought for Sunday
Publication Date: 05/22/2005
Eleven years ago an accident left Terri Schiavo paralysed. She made world headlines last March when a federal judge in the United States ordered doctors to remove her feeding tube. The doctors removed it. Controversy ensued, one group supporting the judge and the other insisting that it was wrong to remove the feeding tube.

Did Terri’s husband have the right to ask doctors to remove it? What about the wish of the parents? What about Terri’s statement, made before her accident, that she did not want to survive on life-support procedures if she was terminally ill? Were the doctors correct when they diagnosed Terri’s condition as a 'permanent vegetative state'? Was she as unaware of herself and her surroundings as the doctors claimed? (The husband claimed that diagnosis was correct. The parents claimed it was wrong.) Even if she was aware, would that change the ethics of removing the feeding tube? I would like to add another issue that I have yet to see addressed in the media. Once we remove a feeding tube, what obligations do we have towards the patient?

Those caring for a patient must provide basic necessities, at least as far as the patient is capable of benefiting, however minimally. Did Ms Schiavo receive the kind of care she deserved? After the feeding tube was removed, something odd happened. The judge gave instructions for an armed guard to be stationed in the patient’s room.

Two police officers stood at the foot of her bed, 24 hours a day, to make sure that not even her own mother could comfort her daughter as she thought best.

This news seemed so shocking that I was initially inclined to discard it as an exaggeration. Without the feeding tube, Terri’s condition was likely to deteriorate rapidly. The controversy stirred up over the removal of the feeding tube was intense. Emotions were running high. People might falsely accuse the doctors and the judge of malicious intent.

Besides, if Terri was as comatose as the doctors were saying, she would just drift away peacefully. Providing fluids would be a nice gesture of affection, but Terri would remain oblivious to what was happening to her. Terri’s husband seemed to confirm this scenario when he said his wife looked peaceful as she lay dying. He gave the impression she was sleeping with angels, her eyes calmly closed as she passed effortlessly into the next world.

The Reverend Frank Pavone was the chaplain. Together with the parents, he was at the patient’s bedside for the last 14 hours of her life. He gave a different report.

"When her mom first introduced her to me (in 2004), Terri stared at me intently. She focused her eyes. She would focus her eyes on whoever was talking to her. If somebody spoke to her from the other part of the room she would turn her head and her eyes towards the person talking to her," he said.

Once the feeding tube was removed, all that changed. "To describe the way she looked as 'peaceful' is a total distortion of what I saw. Her eyes were open but they were going from one side to the next, constantly oscillating back and forth. I watched her for hours. I can only describe it as a combination of dreaded fear and sadness. Her mouth was open the whole time. It looked like it was frozen open. She was panting rapidly. It wasn’t peaceful in any sense of the word.

For the last 13 days of her life, Ms Schiavo got no water – not a single drop to moisten her lips. The police were standing in the room to make sure no one dared even try. The priest once put his hand close to the patient to bless her and they warned him not to give her anything. Say whatever you want about the feeding tube; withholding water was wrong.

6:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

omg lyk my sisterz brotherz momz unclez antz lyk terri (RIP 4 EVAH) n lyk ur so not funni
u r so retarded lozl!!11

8:13 AM  
Blogger stephen said...

RIP Terri Schiavo's Blog.

11:35 AM  
Blogger Jennifer Gale said...

I thought it was very funny :) You made me laugh and I will miss you.

7:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

NO! I won't let you pull the feeding tube to this blog. I'll see you in court!

12:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

funny while it lasted. major props

5:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3 words...FUNNY AS HELL!!!

12:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i no this kid named miles and hes f*cking hott and oh yes by the way he is running for pope/god so vote for miles! oh yeah and one more thing... *blinkblinkblink* a tripple doosie!

6:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

this was hilarious, but you should have just ended with the first update from heaven...:-)

8:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

this was hilarious, but you should have just ended with the first update from heaven...:-)

8:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

good times to be had at the LEMONPARTY

6:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's try that again:

5:53 AM  
Blogger Dorman said...

Well, there was a rumor that Mars, Inc, makers of the famous Snickers
candy bar approached the parents of Terri Schiavo in an effort to use Terri, and her story, as a
spokesperson and marketing theme for the snack. Advertising reps stated that Terri would be the perfect poster child for their "Another unfortunate side effect of hunger" campaign that had been dwindling since its introduction over 18 months ago. Michael Schiavo is allegedly still in negotiations with Mars, inc.

12:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha! oh man this blog made me laugh so hard. you rock!! :)

7:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone else need an invite?

10:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This party's out of control! Free admission right here...

10:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You gotta fight!

For your right!

To lemonpaaaaarty!!!!

1:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't be late to the LEMONPARTY!

1:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's a delicious link:

1:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


1:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you should have done some sort of AdSense thing on here....would have made loads of cash.

3:11 PM  
Blogger cp said...

Oh noes! Bye bye terri!

I can still get my laughs from jameth.

8:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please support the Elderly Care Center.

Lou Goldstein

8:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You DO know that this doesn't make you look any better - Your idea of "humor" just shows how immature you are.

6:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And don't click on the lemonparty link, it's quite famous really.

6:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Immature, offensive and downright idiotic.

I loved every minute of it.

2:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nnnggghhh! Uuurgggrggll! Uhhhh, unnnghh! Ahhhhhhh.

12:03 PM  
Blogger njm said...

you've raised the bar for all of us here at

12:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

14 la perdi

7:35 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Ass munch is too kind a word for you.

12:38 PM  
Blogger Fist said...

You know when to leave a joke. You really are cool.

5:14 PM  
Blogger necrograde_horsefeathers said...

heh. your blog was cute while it lasted. the only schiavo thing i didnt get sick of.

12:19 AM  
Blogger leon said...

Well done for a canadian.

7:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


-Ms Terry Schiavo

9:47 PM  
Blogger jane said...

i love you.

7:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Seriously though. Funny stuff. Yeah, that's all I got.

12:23 AM  
Blogger Heff said...

It was beautiful. like a plate, blossing flower of... stuff. all that shite.

I laughed. hard. It was good.

Again Again!

10:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I found this via The moment I realized what it was I went hysterical and read the whole thing. It was beautiful. Better than the Jesus blog on Xanga.

Because I'm self-important and I like to throw my opinion all over the place (as if the rest of you don't), I wanted to say a few things.

For one, you are brilliant. Seriously. I'm surprised I haven't seen this before. I usually dig up the sick stuff. And favorite it.

Not that it's all that sick, really. I'll bet money that if Terri could, she would find this fucking hilarious. You know why? Because she didn't even want to be left on life support. I've been told it was written by her that she did not want to be put on life support. I don't know the validity of this information but I do know this: If I ever go into a coma and have a feeding tube shoved in me, I'd want to die. I already have two people set up to kill me if I ever end up like Terri. Like hell anyone would want to just lie there, life ebbing, for fifteen damn years, only able to imagine what the world is doing without them. What kind of life is that? It's torture. That's the reality of it. Keeping that woman "alive" for so long was ridiculous. Terri needed peace and peace was attained through death. All of the idiot religious freaks that were whining about keeping her alive, didn't they realize that if Terri was the great person they claimed her to be, she would go to heaven after dying? So what was the big deal? Certainly heaven is better than being a zombie.

Aaanyway, sorry about that long-winded thing. I didn't mean to do that, but once I get started I go insane.

Having a sense of humor about such things is an awesome quality. People have to learn to laugh at things rather than get angry or cry about them. It makes life a lot nicer. Trust me. To all those who think this is awful, learn to laugh or just don't read the damn thing. So you think it's sick to laugh at it? Morals are overrated. Try laughing at the unfortunate things in life and see how less miserable you'll be.

Isn't it better to laugh at Terri than to get all worked up and pissy about her?

I'll bet she's laughing right now.

~ "Centaura"
Again, apologies for the long-windedness. ^^;;

10:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyy um... Heeeey... Hey... Hey, hey, hey! Um... Where am I? Who are you?

6:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you there, Terri? It's me, Jenny.

10:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


7:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very funny!

12:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm terri Schiavo. Hear me roar.

6:34 AM  
Blogger Toad734 said...

Oooh, When youre in a coma can I do your blog?

By the way, do you want a feeding tube?

7:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know how many people will read this but here goes. I started this blog but for some reason Blogger isn't letting me update it. I think it might have to do with server problems but until it gets sorted out there won't be any updates. Anyway hope you enjoyed the site and if you didn't well then that's good for you. I hope someday you fall into a coma so I can make fun of you over the internet.

I don't know how many people will read this but here goes. I started this blog but for some reason Blogger isn't letting me update it. I think it might have to do with server problems but until it gets sorted out there won't be any updates. Anyway hope you enjoyed the site and if you didn't well then that's good for you. I hope someday you fall into a coma so I can make fun of you over the internet.

I don't know how many people will read this but here goes. I started this blog but for some reason Blogger isn't letting me update it. I think it might have to do with server problems but until it gets sorted out there won't be any updates. Anyway hope you enjoyed the site and if you didn't well then that's good for you. I hope someday you fall into a coma so I can make fun of you over the internet.

I don't know how many people will read this but here goes. I started this blog but for some reason Blogger isn't letting me update it. I think it might have to do with server problems but until it gets sorted out there won't be any updates. Anyway hope you enjoyed the site and if you didn't well then that's good for you. I hope someday you fall into a coma so I can make fun of you over the internet.

I don't know how many people will read this but here goes. I started this blog but for some reason Blogger isn't letting me update it. I think it might have to do with server problems but until it gets sorted out there won't be any updates. Anyway hope you enjoyed the site and if you didn't well then that's good for you. I hope someday you fall into a coma so I can make fun of you over the internet.I don't know how many people will read this but here goes. I started this blog but for some reason Blogger isn't letting me update it. I think it might have to do with server problems but until it gets sorted out there won't be any updates. Anyway hope you enjoyed the site and if you didn't well then that's good for you. I hope someday you fall into a coma so I can make fun of you over the internet.

I don't know how many people will read this but here goes. I started this blog but for some reason Blogger isn't letting me update it. I think it might have to do with server problems but until it gets sorted out there won't be any updates. Anyway hope you enjoyed the site and if you didn't well then that's good for you. I hope someday you fall into a coma so I can make fun of you over the internet.

I don't know how many people will read this but here goes. I started this blog but for some reason Blogger isn't letting me update it. I think it might have to do with server problems but until it gets sorted out there won't be any updates. Anyway hope you enjoyed the site and if you didn't well then that's good for you. I hope someday you fall into a coma so I can make fun of you over the internet.

I don't know how many people will read this but here goes. I started this blog but for some reason Blogger isn't letting me update it. I think it might have to do with server problems but until it gets sorted out there won't be any updates. Anyway hope you enjoyed the site and if you didn't well then that's good for you. I hope someday you fall into a coma so I can make fun of you over the internet.

I don't know how many people will read this but here goes. I started this blog but for some reason Blogger isn't letting me update it. I think it might have to do with server problems but until it gets sorted out there won't be any updates. Anyway hope you enjoyed the site and if you didn't well then that's good for you. I hope someday you fall into a coma so I can make fun of you over the internet.I don't know how many people will read this but here goes. I started this blog but for some reason Blogger isn't letting me update it. I think it might have to do with server problems but until it gets sorted out there won't be any updates. Anyway hope you enjoyed the site and if you didn't well then that's good for you. I hope someday you fall into a coma so I can make fun of you over the internet.

I don't know how many people will read this but here goes. I started this blog but for some reason Blogger isn't letting me update it. I think it might have to do with server problems but until it gets sorted out there won't be any updates. Anyway hope you enjoyed the site and if you didn't well then that's good for you. I hope someday you fall into a coma so I can make fun of you over the internet.

I don't know how many people will read this but here goes. I started this blog but for some reason Blogger isn't letting me update it. I think it might have to do with server problems but until it gets sorted out there won't be any updates. Anyway hope you enjoyed the site and if you didn't well then that's good for you. I hope someday you fall into a coma so I can make fun of you over the internet.

I don't know how many people will read this but here goes. I started this blog but for some reason Blogger isn't letting me update it. I think it might have to do with server problems but until it gets sorted out there won't be any updates. Anyway hope you enjoyed the site and if you didn't well then that's good for you. I hope someday you fall into a coma so I can make fun of you over the internet.

I don't know how many people will read this but here goes. I started this blog but for some reason Blogger isn't letting me update it. I think it might have to do with server problems but until it gets sorted out there won't be any updates. Anyway hope you enjoyed the site and if you didn't well then that's good for you. I hope someday you fall into a coma so I can make fun of you over the internet.I don't know how many people will read this but here goes. I started this blog but for some reason Blogger isn't letting me update it. I think it might have to do with server problems but until it gets sorted out there won't be any updates. Anyway hope you enjoyed the site and if you didn't well then that's good for you. I hope someday you fall into a coma so I can make fun of you over the internet.

I don't know how many people will read this but here goes. I started this blog but for some reason Blogger isn't letting me update it. I think it might have to do with server problems but until it gets sorted out there won't be any updates. Anyway hope you enjoyed the site and if you didn't well then that's good for you. I hope someday you fall into a coma so I can make fun of you over the internet.

I don't know how many people will read this but here goes. I started this blog but for some reason Blogger isn't letting me update it. I think it might have to do with server problems but until it gets sorted out there won't be any updates. Anyway hope you enjoyed the site and if you didn't well then that's good for you. I hope someday you fall into a coma so I can make fun of you over the internet.

I don't know how many people will read this but here goes. I started this blog but for some reason Blogger isn't letting me update it. I think it might have to do with server problems but until it gets sorted out there won't be any updates. Anyway hope you enjoyed the site and if you didn't well then that's good for you. I hope someday you fall into a coma so I can make fun of you over the internet.

I don't know how many people will read this but here goes. I started this blog but for some reason Blogger isn't letting me update it. I think it might have to do with server problems but until it gets sorted out there won't be any updates. Anyway hope you enjoyed the site and if you didn't well then that's good for you. I hope someday you fall into a coma so I can make fun of you over the internet.I don't know how many people will read this but here goes. I started this blog but for some reason Blogger isn't letting me update it. I think it might have to do with server problems but until it gets sorted out there won't be any updates. Anyway hope you enjoyed the site and if you didn't well then that's good for you. I hope someday you fall into a coma so I can make fun of you over the internet.

I don't know how many people will read this but here goes. I started this blog but for some reason Blogger isn't letting me update it. I think it might have to do with server problems but until it gets sorted out there won't be any updates. Anyway hope you enjoyed the site and if you didn't well then that's good for you. I hope someday you fall into a coma so I can make fun of you over the internet.

I don't know how many people will read this but here goes. I started this blog but for some reason Blogger isn't letting me update it. I think it might have to do with server problems but until it gets sorted out there won't be any updates. Anyway hope you enjoyed the site and if you didn't well then that's good for you. I hope someday you fall into a coma so I can make fun of you over the internet.

I don't know how many people will read this but here goes. I started this blog but for some reason Blogger isn't letting me update it. I think it might have to do with server problems but until it gets sorted out there won't be any updates. Anyway hope you enjoyed the site and if you didn't well then that's good for you. I hope someday you fall into a coma so I can make fun of you over the internet.

I don't know how many people will read this but here goes. I started this blog but for some reason Blogger isn't letting me update it. I think it might have to do with server problems but until it gets sorted out there won't be any updates. Anyway hope you enjoyed the site and if you didn't well then that's good for you. I hope someday you fall into a coma so I can make fun of you over the internet.I don't know how many people will read this but here goes. I started this blog but for some reason Blogger isn't letting me update it. I think it might have to do with server problems but until it gets sorted out there won't be any updates. Anyway hope you enjoyed the site and if you didn't well then that's good for you. I hope someday you fall into a coma so I can make fun of you over the internet.

I don't know how many people will read this but here goes. I started this blog but for some reason Blogger isn't letting me update it. I think it might have to do with server problems but until it gets sorted out there won't be any updates. Anyway hope you enjoyed the site and if you didn't well then that's good for you. I hope someday you fall into a coma so I can make fun of you over the internet.

I don't know how many people will read this but here goes. I started this blog but for some reason Blogger isn't letting me update it. I think it might have to do with server problems but until it gets sorted out there won't be any updates. Anyway hope you enjoyed the site and if you didn't well then that's good for you. I hope someday you fall into a coma so I can make fun of you over the internet.

I don't know how many people will read this but here goes. I started this blog but for some reason Blogger isn't letting me update it. I think it might have to do with server problems but until it gets sorted out there won't be any updates. Anyway hope you enjoyed the site and if you didn't well then that's good for you. I hope someday you fall into a coma so I can make fun of you over the internet.

I don't know how many people will read this but here goes. I started this blog but for some reason Blogger isn't letting me update it. I think it might have to do with server problems but until it gets sorted out there won't be any updates. Anyway hope you enjoyed the site and if you didn't well then that's good for you. I hope someday you fall into a coma so I can make fun of you over the internet.I don't know how many people will read this but here goes. I started this blog but for some reason Blogger isn't letting me update it. I think it might have to do with server problems but until it gets sorted out there won't be any updates. Anyway hope you enjoyed the site and if you didn't well then that's good for you. I hope someday you fall into a coma so I can make fun of you over the internet.

I don't know how many people will read this but here goes. I started this blog but for some reason Blogger isn't letting me update it. I think it might have to do with server problems but until it gets sorted out there won't be any updates. Anyway hope you enjoyed the site and if you didn't well then that's good for you. I hope someday you fall into a coma so I can make fun of you over the internet.

I don't know how many people will read this but here goes. I started this blog but for some reason Blogger isn't letting me update it. I think it might have to do with server problems but until it gets sorted out there won't be any updates. Anyway hope you enjoyed the site and if you didn't well then that's good for you. I hope someday you fall into a coma so I can make fun of you over the internet.

I don't know how many people will read this but here goes. I started this blog but for some reason Blogger isn't letting me update it. I think it might have to do with server problems but until it gets sorted out there won't be any updates. Anyway hope you enjoyed the site and if you didn't well then that's good for you. I hope someday you fall into a coma so I can make fun of you over the internet.

I don't know how many people will read this but here goes. I started this blog but for some reason Blogger isn't letting me update it. I think it might have to do with server problems but until it gets sorted out there won't be any updates. Anyway hope you enjoyed the site and if you didn't well then that's good for you. I hope someday you fall into a coma so I can make fun of you over the internet.

Thank you for that little big statement, whoever coined it.

3:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You, sir, are a true king among men.

9:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

People in comas don't make durrrr sounds, so she wasn't comatose. That she had the intellect of an asparagus was the crux of the whole problem, but the way I look at it she wasn't going to get better, wasn't going to be self-sufficient even with substantial medical intervention, so she really "deserved" to die.

This blog sort of made me quirk a grin from the perspective that the concept is amusing. But if Terri was my daughter and I happened to stumble upon the person who created the blog, I'd probably snot them in the face as hard as I could, just because she was my daughter.

Though it would have never come to this; I would have ordered my daughter off life support after a month. Cruel hearted bastard, you say? Fuck you. What's cruel is forcing someone to live when they are going to die, a lot of times in agony, and when they are comatose they aren't exactly going to protest and worry about what they are missing about in the future, are they? You don't care when you are unconscious.

Now I'm all worked up about nothing and I'm ranting for no good reason. Shit. Terri, rest in peace; I don't believe in heaven, so you aren't going to give a toss about what I or anyone else says anyway.

8:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it was pretty freakin funny, bookmark-worthy. kudos, man. a job well done.

9:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


12:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Too bad you're not updating after the autopsy results...

6:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well played my good man, well played ;-)

5:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That blog wasn't cool. It was rude and I bet you if she could see it, she would feel awful, that was really awful. I do have to say kudos for trying to make your life amusing in a sick way though.

12:28 PM  
Blogger streak said...

i bet you if she was in a near-comatose state she'd feel pretty awful too

5:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ahahah great job.
greetz from italy.

1:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Note to self: Send a veggi basket to the Schidlers this Christmas

Happy A Very Terri Christmas!

4:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thank you very much for the "terri schaivo" blog, absolutely HILARIOUS!

11:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow this terri schaivo thing is crazy, around where i live (which is all over the entire us of a) everyone is using schaivo as a term, like to mean hungry or thirsty or in a vegetative state or really hot or they sez "schaivoids" meaning schaivo "supporters"! ANd theres all these people everywhere saying "schaivo" ALL the time! And I am a very "athoritative source" on this because I have a PHD in SOCIOLOGY! AND POLITICAL SCIENCE AND LINGUISTICS AND ENGLISH AND PSYCHOLOGY AND ALLA DAT SHIT!! AND I DID A POLL ON THE USAGE OF THE WORD BUT ITS CLASSIFIED BY THE CIA SO YOU CANT SEE IT! So if you think im not athoritative you can just go eat it mofo! And I'm remaining anonymous because I'm in WITNESS PROTECTION, m'kay! How you going to deal with that hot shit, mutherfunker? i dont know who i'm talking to by that statement! but if i had to guess their name might begin with a "v", like vincent or vicky or something! And this person shud go FUNK THEMSELVES in the CORNHOLE!!!

2:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yo! I'm a UFO, and my mission on earth is to post comments on a blog and then use the same blog as a reference to prove my weird ideas on how "Schiavo" can be used as a term. Hey, if you can't "find" proof, just make it up, ok? Oh, by the way, us UFO's rock. viva la revolucion earth!

2:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yo, another competing UFO published above that prior comment:


So, to see the "opposition," please see the 2 or 3 posts right above THIS outta the world post, OK? PS:



yo! UFO's rock

2:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The way I look at it, Terry Shaivo has been dead for the last 15 years, so it is ok to make jokes. Time to go watch Veggie Tales.

6:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Jacob--

Thanks for the laughs. As one who lives within a mile of the hospice where Terri died, your take was a welcome detour. We are all so sick of the Terri/Michael/fucked up drama momma and daddy saga. Thank god it's over. Godspeed, Terri, and carpe diem Michael...

6:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We (the collective readership of this blog) should begin using "Shaivo" in every day life...

For example - "Yo, that guy got totally Schaivoed!" or "You Shiavoed that guy!"


11:58 PM  
Blogger ellipsis said...

Thanks, Jacob

8:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I less than three vegetables

10:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You mean, this wasn't Terri's blog?

Man, am I a sucker!

6:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fucking hilarious. Just wish I found it before now.

Thank you Uncyclopedia for linking to this in your Terri Schaivo article.

8:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

*does the Schiavo dance*

10:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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8:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another dude who appriciates humor. I was unfortunate to come across this page after the blogging stopped. But I read through it and it cracked me up to no end.

I personally don't understand the reason for keeping someone like that alive. It's expensive for the tax payers, and above all it's sad.

So yeah, I'll see all you guys in hell. We'll have punch and pie. ^.^


9:21 PM  
Blogger Daddy said...

It's amazing that, while there are true heros out doing something positive for the earth's underprivileged, there are so many more that flourish in their static and meaningless lives. Your blatant attempts at non-conformity should be what's amusing about this site, but it's just not so. Your feeble attempts at expanding the limits of humor simply mask your inability to reach a meaningful point in your lives. There are many deserving people that need your generosity to justify such a colossal waste of energy. (It is also very amusing that all critics of Christianity tend to arrogantly propose their own version of eternal paradise. Right. It is more logical to fathom that we know God's thoughts and plans rather than vice versa.)

12:28 PM  
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3:50 AM  
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4:05 PM  
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11:41 PM  
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3:04 AM  
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2:23 PM  
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7:37 PM  
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9:15 PM  
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12:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh knight in shining armor who hast saved us from the blundering hole of stupidity and media coverage surrounding this pitiable, yet easily parodied situation. A gracious thank you, to you, sir, and a pleasant day to you as well. :)

-Many a laughs, and tears along with rolling on the floor (quite literally after searching the archives) and enjoyment

10:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you gonna come back to give us an update Terri?

10:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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3:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think your a really sick person for making fun of someone in such state your really a sick person god that just wrong!

1:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is so sad that you can take something so serious and sad and turn it into a freaking joke. This is ridiculous and I don't find it funny at all. And to say that I'm part of the "bigger joke"--get real. Terri's family should be able to go on with their lives without having to worry about creeps like you making fun of their daughter. Grow up, jerk.

9:37 AM  
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10:10 PM  
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3:14 PM  
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7:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm in class right now, and we're researching the right to die. In actuality, we're all just reading this and cracking ourselves up.

Mad props, yo.

And I must agree...the comments are often quite funnier than the actual post.

8:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For those who did and did not enjoy this blog....
get a life

2:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Water, water everywhere and not a drop to...

Happy New Year pal. In retrospect, this blog and the running commentary made me laugh harder than anything else in 2005.


4:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Trying to find info about earn work from home is what I am trying to do for the past few days. Just thought I would add a comment to let you know I was glad I found your blog. seems to be the best that I have found so far. Thanks and have a great day :-)

5:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ZOMG Terri! I totally sent a veggie basket to your parents!

10:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You thought this was funny?? Go to:

ok, ok, this WAS funny. Get off my case.

2:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hard to believe it's been almost a year since the whole Schiavo controversy. While the Conservatives and Liberals were blabbering about the right to live, right to die, etc., I was laughing my ass off at the cornucopia of Terri Schiavo internet humor. Good times...

1:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cananda is still the best hockey team though.

7:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great job man.. Regarding your stuff about god, I wrote an entry in my own blog about a book I just bought that talks about the stupidness of religion and faith and stuff.. Except the guy who wrote it is a lote more elegant than I am. haha

Anyways, good job on the blog for the past... who knows how long hah.


8:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree, the real comedy show'd up with the people who don't do well with funny.

I can't wait to see what's next!


10:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

just think it is sad that u choose to pick on a person that cant even defined her self... but like u said i guess there is nothing that ppl like me, that dissagree with u, can do to stop ppl like you from laughing... i hope ur hair falls out for all i care...
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10:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A thousand points to you. I had some good laughs.

8:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

can you say me please : WHERE IS THE F*CKING "HOW TO PLAY" ??????
i get nerved, bcs i cant wake up outta
the coma, how i am can controll that "she" ??????????????????????????????

please write soon

12:12 PM  
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1:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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5:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know what's funny about a woman's paralysis, or her death. Then again, I still don't understand why a woman was denied life because the courts thought a man who had moved in with another woman and had children should have more say in her life than the people who brought her into this world and were willing to pay to keep her in it. Why was it? Because he wanted to marry in the Catholic church and he wouldn't be able to if he divorced her. Well, Mr. Schaivo, divorce is a much lesser sin than murder.

What is funny, however, are the legions of liberals that comment on this blog. It's like the Democratic Underground, except I won't get banned for posting.

I'm not going to do anything as drastic as telling you that you are going to Hell; no, you didn't kill her. You're just trading in your dignity for a few thousand web hits a day. That's not a sin, it's just stupidity.

Glad to see this mockery of human life is over.

4:49 AM  
Blogger Woozie said...

Damn Terri, you got the hell spammed out of this place.

6:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


6:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


6:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for This article..

welcome to my blog!

2:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

youre not funny terri was a good person and god loved her. u r sick.

2:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

this is soo mean. :(

4:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why quit now?

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2:52 PM  
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5:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Leaving Minnesota for Colorado, I decide to make a stop at one of those rest areas on the side of the road. I go in the washroom. The first stall was taken so I went in the second stall. I just sat down when I hear a voice from the next stall...

- "Hi there, how is it going?"

Okay, I am not the type to strike conversations with strangers in washrooms on the side of the road. I didn't know what to say so finally I say:

- "Not bad..."

Then the voice says:

- "So, what are you doing?"

I am starting to find that a bit weird, but I say:

- "Well, I'm going back to Colorado..."

Then I hear the person say all flustered:

- "Look I'll call you back, every time I ask you a question this idiot in the next stall keeps answering me."

4:08 PM  
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12:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am sorry that your last days on earth is leaning toward Hell, I am praying for you that Jesus Christ will come in your life and heal your spirit and your heart. You are a sad little thing to think that I am the bigger part of the joke, because the God I serve is bigger than anything so try to dishonor him and you will find your reward. The reward that you have is selfishness and pride the two things that God hates the most. You have found victory in mocking somebody who was in a coma and waking up to only be paralized. Depending on God to help her cope with day to day life. How sad that your victory was defeated when God saw fit to take her out of this world leaving you here to suffer in you own pity and discontent, that your life is not perfect. She now has a glorified body and will never grow old nlike us here on earth.The bible tells a story about a begger and this is how it goes:
Luke 16:20 And there was a certain beggar named Lazarus, which was laid at his gate, full of sores,Luke 16:21 And desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man's table: moreover the dogs came and licked his sores.
Luke 16:22 And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried;
Luke 16:23 And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom.
Luke 16:24 And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame.
Luke 16:25 But Abraham said, Son, remember that thou in thy lifetime receivedst thy good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things: but now he is comforted, and thou art tormented.
Luke 16:26 And beside all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed: so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot; neither can they pass to us, that would come from thence.
Luke 16:27 Then he said, I pray thee therefore, father, that thou wouldest send him to my father's house:
Luke 16:28 For I have five brethren; that he may testify unto them, lest they also come into this place of torment.
Luke 16:29 Abraham saith unto him, They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them.
Luke 16:30 And he said, Nay, father Abraham: but if one went unto them from the dead, they will repent.

So if you want to be like the rich man then your reward will be hell where in Terri's case she is a servent to the most high God Jesus Christ. I just pray for the Holy Ghost to convect your heart and that your soul will be saved. I don't know you but as a CHRISTIAN I am required to tell you the gospel of Jesus Christ and it is love. I hope to see you in Heaven but it is your choice.

5:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

aww mannnnn i liked this blog!

blonde jokes

12:35 PM  
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7:18 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hi, I like your blog.
Please visit and leave comment if you are interested in link exchange.
Thanks :)

2:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I find it funny, that a poster here said Terri is a servant to God, where as Terri was a Catholic (aka Mary-worshipper) and Catholics aren't Christian.

Terri in Hell! Terri in Hell! The Pope is with her!

9:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What makes the Untied States such a failure?

1. You fight smaller nations and lose, because you plan too little, you're arrogant, and you rely too much on hardware. (Expensive toys, basically.)

2. You elect politicians who are corrupt, stupid, crazy, and devilishly greedy. Who wants leaders who benefit from the wars they start?

3. You let your kids get obese, illiterate, and criminal. Why hire Earl if Javeed does it cheaper, quicker and better?

4. You waste money on the War On Drugs. Why not waste the money on lighting up a fatty instead?

5. You put way too much trust in corporations who'd steal from you if they get the opportunity to. Why trust companies when you don't trust the government (exception being colour-coded warnings, of course)? Don't let McDonald's or Disney raise your kid.

6. Your media and your government teach you to fear and obey. Will you listen? Those who shout the loudest aren't necessarily those who are the most honest.

7. You think everything can be solved with guns and bombs. Try that with a forest fire!

8. You let religious zealotry and ignorance dictate what you teach your kids. You really want your scientists to believe more in Adam and Eve than in the scientific processing of information?

9. You focus way too much on outer enemies, when there are plenty of enemies living in your own country. Look to the White House, or in the nearest gangster hood.

10. You think the world owes you something, even though you in reality owe foreign banks trillions of dollars and an apology for Iraq. Calm down already, you're one out of 193 nations.

11. You support Israel, an apartheid state, at any cost, while you condemn Cuba for being communist and don't care if China is. Logical? By the way, I wonder how much your trade deficit is with China in 2007. Your foreign policy gives everyone mixed signals, until it's war time of course.

12. If you stopped seeing the world as your private chess board and stopped trying to form the world in your image - as if you were gods - you might get more positive responses.

13. What is it with you that makes you think everyone is worse off than the US, or that everyone wants to live there? Do you really need that to feel good about yourself, because you can hardly feed your family, or you are sick and you can't get your treatment covered, or your kid, friend, or spouse is in Iraq?

14. You carpet bomb Afghanistan, one of the poorest countries in the world to kill bin Laden, yet he is not wanted on the FBI list for the attacks in NY 2001 because you cant find any solid evidence which links bin Laden to WTC.
How can you carpet bomb and miss?

16. Guns dont kill people, Americans do. If you guys absolutely must kill people would be nice if you guys would do it in your own country and not on the other side of the world.

17. How many acts of terrorism have the US done to other countries in the past 100 years when they finally get a taste of their own medicine on 9/11/2001? They wage a war on terrorism, and then support Israeli state terrorism even more. Good logic.

18. Can you sue me and send me to Gitmo for spitting on the American flag?

19. You are so hell bent on spreading democracy in the Middle east when you support dictatorships in other Middle East countries (Saudi Arabia, Yemen) and have overthrown democracies in Latin America (Arbenz) and in Iran (Mossadegh) in the past. What do Americans mean when they talk democracy and freedom?

20. Your leaders refuse to sign the Kyoto Protocol and think about Global Warming when over 90% of scientists agree on it?

23. Why did the USA walk out in the UN conference on racism in 2001, a conference consisting of other 163 countries if your nation is so "free"?

24. Did you ever stop the Domino Effect? If so, how come Vietnam today is still communist?

25. How can you demand Iran not to have any nukes when you have more nukes than any other country and are the only country to have ever used them against a civilian population? Wouldn't it be better if every country but the USA came with remarks about nukes?

26. You supported Pinochet, a brutal fascist and one of the worst dictators in history, in Chile but not Allende who was democratic elected.

27. Why are you so concerned with religious fundamentalists in the Muslim world terrorizing people based on the Qu'ran when you elect religious fundamentalists into your government who insist on terrorizing people based on what's written in the Bible? Your politicians know the Bible says Jerusalem belongs to the Jews, so allowing Israel to force the Arabs who were born there to leave and slaughtering them if they don't is a morally righteous thing to do.

28. You funded terrorists during the Cold War to combat communism all while doing business with Red China at the same time. Is communism/socialism good for the Chinese but bad for the Afghans and Nicaraguans?

29. You shunned all relations with Iran after the hostage crisis and are thinking about bombing the place, yet you keep buying Iranian oil, thus helping them fund their nuclear program.

30. Your politicians will do anything in their power to stop an 18-year old from aborting her fetus, yet you don't mind creating a deficit which will cause that baby's generation to pay trillions of dollars in taxes.

31. You think if the UN doesn't agree with you, the problem must be the UN and not your proposal.

32. You go to war with Iraq on the excuse that Saddam Hussein was killing his own people, yet you support China which persecutes almost anyone, including Christians and capitalists, and Putin in Russia, who is practically a Soviet dictator. You also have a habit of ignoring genocide in Africa, like Darfur and Rwanda.


8:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

xD I love you.

5:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to write a blog post in college about a paper I am writing, and that paper happens to be on the Terri Schaivo case:

The topic for the second project is biomedical ethics, and I think the one case that best demonstrates biomedical ethics, or lack there of, is the case of Terri Schiavo. This girl sustained an injury (can't remember the cause off hand) that basically left her as a vegetable. Her husband decided to have her killed. He argued that Terri was unable to continue living and she would have wanted to be killed, or to be put out of her misery. However, there are signs that she could have recovered if they tried, (such as the fact that she could respond to others through facial expressions) and it is in my opinion that there may have been other reasons, mostly selfish ones, for the husband to want that girl dead. In my opinion I aim to shed light on the Terri Schiavo case, and provide my own theories as to the real reason why the husband wanted Terri dead.

10:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The culture of life is what the culture of life does.

5:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

way cool blog. I wish I had thought of this before you did.

11:58 PM  
Blogger Dr. Atul said...

That was really great You really inspired me for my site

10:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i wish there was a way of letting kids like you know what it's like to love someone in a state much like the one terri was in. i find it rather pathetic that people like you choose to pick on those who cannot help themselves. go make fun of the politicians who actually deserve ridicule but leave people like this alone.

8:47 PM  
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10:27 PM  
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1:08 AM  
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5:33 PM  
Blogger books said...

great work

2:46 AM  
Anonymous Kamagra said...

Great work done by author for providing this information.
Thanks for sharing this information.
keep posting....

... Mark

12:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm really glad YOU are young and have to live in this society you help support.....

For the last 13 days of her life, Ms Schiavo got no water – not a single drop to moisten her lips. The police were standing in the room to make sure no one dared even try. The priest once put his hand close to the patient to bless her and they warned him not to give her anything. Say whatever you want about the feeding tube; withholding water was wrong.

9:29 AM  
Anonymous No Nude said...

no Nude only

8:56 PM  
Anonymous indium said...

I enjoyed it. I would say that every part of it was flawless. well done

11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

majken chimera (KHIMAIRA) rio
KHIMAIRA ( vel Chimera ) eram a ingens bestia quod vastata rus of Lykia in Anatolia. Is eram a alienigenus creatura , per somes quod decursus caput capitis of a Leo a goat's caput capitis ortus ex suus tergum a paro of goat udders , quod a serpentine tail.
The vir Bellerophon eram occupo perimo is per Rex rgis Iobates. Is rode in pugna obviam bestia in tergus of volatilis equus Pegasos quod , coegi a plumbum tipped lancea down Khimaira's flamma per, praefoco.
Khimaira may have quondam been identified per hiberna-ortus Sidus Libido (serpent-tailed goat). sidus Pegasos videor urgeo suus ex polus. In classical scriptor reddo bestia ut a metaphor parumper Lycian volcano.

1:55 PM  
Anonymous Snark said...

majken chimera (KHIMAIRA) rio
KHIMAIRA ( vel Chimera ) eram a ingens bestia quod vastata rus of Lykia in Anatolia. Is eram a alienigenus creatura , per somes quod decursus caput capitis of a Leo a goat's caput capitis ortus ex suus tergum a paro of goat udders , quod a serpentine tail.
The vir Bellerophon eram occupo perimo is per Rex rgis Iobates. Is rode in pugna obviam bestia in tergus of volatilis equus Pegasos quod , coegi a plumbum tipped lancea down Khimaira's flamma per, praefoco.
Khimaira may have quondam been identified per hiberna-ortus Sidus Libido (serpent-tailed goat). sidus Pegasos videor urgeo suus ex polus. In classical scriptor reddo bestia ut a metaphor parumper Lycian volcano.

1:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

R.I.P Terri Schiavo and to you Mr. Michael Schiavo you will face Jesus one day for your actions.Why didn't you let Terri's parents have custody of her after you went on with your life? I understand you wanted to move on, but consider Terri and her family. If you did not want her, you should have let her family take care of her in her last days.Very selfish I think on your part.God does know the number of our days on earth.I pray for peace and blessings for Terri's family.Thank you for sharing this blog.

11:49 AM  
Anonymous rental mobil said...

Nice article, thanks for the information.

9:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Version Info
v1.3 Added Rumors section (5.3).
Updates to Quest Tips section (3.6).
Added poison food tip (3.5).
v1.2 Added dungeon locations for beginners (3.6).
Method for obtaining Dual Horn (5.1).
Choose winning pose code added (5.2).
Father/Priest correction (4.4).
Number of Floors for Castle and Cave (4.3).
v1.1 Updated monster list, hidden characters.
Added "returns" to make everything look good on the web(comments?).
HTML version available, e-mail me for info. -John
v1.0 Added Mark's moves.
Added Mark2's moves.
v0.9 Corrected potion information.
Dance code, repeat speech code.
Practice with "F" monsters trick.
Analog controller projectile.
Basic quest moves added.
Chocobo and Dog moves added.
v0.8 More quest tips, potion info, and stone info.
Added potion RGB list.
Added character backgrounds.
Updated moves (Chuji,Epon,Ill,Gren).
Fixed spacing problem on monster list.
v0.7 Added Moves Section provided by FrostByte.
Added Monster List.
Another reorganization (sorry!).
v0.6 More Potion Information.
Analog Controller Information.
v0.5 Added Potions and Stones section to Quest Mode.
Added unblockable attacks and counters.
Renamed Menu Translations to FAQ.
v0.4 Added Version Info, Index, and Quest mode information.
Also did a little reorganizing and tweaking.
v0.3 Added the replay menu options.
v0.2 Added hidden character info.
v0.1 Initial release.

1.1 Tournament
1.2 VS
1.3 Quest
1.4 Training
1.5 Option
2.1 Common Moves Legend
2.2 Character Moves
2.2.1 Chuji Wu
2.2.2 Epon
2.2.3 Oliems
2.2.4 Hom
2.2.5 Fei Pusu
2.2.6 Ill Goga
2.2.7 Mary Ivonskaya
2.2.8 Gren Kuts
2.2.9 Chaco Yutani
2.2.10 Doctor V
2.2.11 Mufu
2.2.12 Nork the Mysterious
2.2.13 Emperor Udan
2.2.14 Mark
2.2.15 Mark2
2.2.16 Chocobo
2.2.17 Dog
2.3 Move Tips
2.4 Character Backgrounds
3.1 Moves
3.2 Status Screen
3.3 Potions
3.4 Stones
3.5 Food
3.6 Quest Tips
4.1 Methods to Unlock Monsters
4.2 Using the Monsters
4.3 Dungeons
4.4 List
5.1 Hidden Characters
5.2 Codes
5.3 Rumors


Main Screen:

5:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Pick a character and start fighting. (duh!)
See Using Monsters (section 4.2) for info on the red, blue, green,
and gray monsters.

1.2 VS

Two player mode.
See Using Monsters (section 4.2) for info on the red, blue, green,
and gray monsters.


Initial choices:
-New Game

During the Quest Mode, pressing select will bring up the following menu:
-Equip Stone

In town, there is a Church, speaking with the priest will bring up this:
-About Saving
-Don't Save


Select a character to practice with.
Push L2 and R2 to reset characters to the center of the ring.
See Using Monsters (section 4.2) for info on the red and blue monsters.

While in Training Mode, press Start to get the following menu:

-Control Data (display controller input)
-Status (display damage info and button grid)
-Slow Motion (the higher the number, the slower the game)
-Color Change**
-Practice Reversals (push guard and square when OK flashes)
-Character Select (choose new characters)
-Return to Title (leave training mode)
-Exit (resume training)

*Options for Player and Computer from left to right, Player starts at
Controller 1, Computer starts at Controller 2.
-Controller 1
-Controller 2
-Enemy (computer controlled opponent)
-Syagami (crouching)
-Guard (always defends)
-1 Hit Guard (defends after one hit)
-Down (stays down after a fall)
-Jump (jumps up and down)
-High Attack
-Middle Attack
-Low Attack

**Choosing this option will bring up a menu of the clothes your fighter
is wearing. Select an item by moving up or down. The three numbers at
the top represent the amount of Red, Green and Blue in that order.
Move left or right to select a color. Add more of a certain color by
pushing triangle, reduce a color by pushing X. Clear will reset your
fighter to normal colors.


-Game Options (see below)
-Button Configuration
-Memory Card (see below)
-Replay (see below)
-Screen Adjust
-Theater (move left or right to select movie)
-About the Analog Controller
The analog controller has three different settings:
digital (no light), analog pad (red light), and
analog stick (green light). To use analog control
without the vibrations, use the setting for the
analog stick.
[NOTE: You'll probably want to use the Free Setting
in the button configuration and change the button
positions if you use the analog stick mode.]
-Return to Title

Game Options
-Number or Rounds to Win
-Time Limit
-Endurance Mode (OFF, recover 10%, recover 20%, etc.)
-Sound (STEREO, Mono)

Memory Card
-Auto Save (OFF, on)

5:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Replay (FIGHT MEMCARD displayed at top of screen)
-Smooth(?) Motion Program (ON, off)
This option should be ON, otherwise the game will look terrible.
-Save Replays (OFF, on)
Brings up save options after a fight (FILE, New File, Don't Save)
-View Replays (see below)

[NOTE: If you use an analog controller, saved fights will not be
recorded correctly. You can still save fights, but when you view them
later it won't be the same fight.]

View Replays Menu
-Files (if you have saved any)
-Create New File
-Rename File
-Erase File
-View Demo Fights

Viewing Options (appears after selecting a file or View Demo Fights)
-View Once
-View Continuous
-Copy [not available for demos]
-Move [not available for demos]
-Delete (NO, yes) [not available for demos]

Camera (appears after View Once or View Continuous is selected)
-Control Yourself
-Look at Player 1
-Look at Player 2

Power Gauge (appears after camera mode is selected)


2.1 Common Move Legend (all facing right)

f/F = forward/hold = tap/hold your direction pad to the right
b/B = back/hold = tap/hold left
u/U = up/hold = tap/hold up
d/D = down/hold = tap/hold down
J = jump = (default L1 or L2)
G = guard = (default R1 or R2)
H = high attack = (default Triangle)
M = mid attack = (default Square)
L = low attack = (default the X button)
A = action = (default the circle button) only used in Quest Mode

f,f = quick dash
f,F = run
b,b = quick escape
b,B = skip backwards
f/b+G+H = roundhouse
f/b+G+L = low sweep

G+M = grab
d+G+M = low grab (hold block to keep grabbing)

After Grab: (offense / your grab)
f/b/d/u = move
tap U = high punch combos
tap D = low shin kick
M = throw
f,b = push back

After Grab: (defense / opponent's grab)
f/b/d/u = counter their move
b,b = escape
U = high blow escape
D = low kick escape
G+M = throw

(after throw) G+M = counter throw/escape/reversal
(after block) f+M = counter attack

Recovery Moves
G+M = recover from juggles.
J+G (hold) = stay grounded
J = flip recovery
H = recover and high attack
M = recover and mid attack
L = recover and low attack
f/d/b/u = directional roll.

Distance Attack
b+M, b/B = chi attack (hold back to increase your power at the cost of
your own life.)

2.2 Character Moves
Move listed with a (*) is an extended chain move they are very hard to
pull, you can only execute them with PRECISE button presses. Use the
practice mode and the combo bar to practice these. You'll know if you
pull one of these off, usually these moves are accompanied by a star

5:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2.2.1 Chuji Wu
height: 175 cm
weight: 70 kg
age : 18

(grab) M : Over-shoulder Trip
(grab) b+M : Back Toss
(grab) f+M : Forward Trip
(grab) u/d+M : Shoulder Toss
(grab)(pull) f+M : Tackle
(tackle) H : Face Punch
(tackle) L : Low Punch
(tackle) M : Back Toss
(side grab) M : Hip Toss
(side grab) M : Shoulder Toss
(back grab) M : Gut Throw.

Normal Attacks
H,M : Punch, Side Kick
H,L : Punch, Sweep
H,H,H : 2 Punches, Roundhouse
H,H,M : 2 Punches, Gut punch
*HHM,M : 2 Punches, Power Gut Punch
*HHM,M,L : 2 Punches, Sweep Fakeout
H,H,L : 2 Punches, Sweep
H,H,f+L : 2 Punches, Forward Sweep
L,L : Low kick, Sweep
L,M,M : Low kick, Side Kick, Cartwheel
*LM,M : Low kick, Side Kick, Power Sweep
f+M : Shoulder attack
b+H : Back fist
b+M : Back flip
b/d/u+L : Monkey Sweep
b/d/u+L,M : Monkey Sweep, Horse Kick
*b/d/u+L,L : Monkey Sweep, Power Sweep
f,f+M : Power Punch
f,f+H : Heel Kick
b,b+M : Reverse Flip
d+M : Left Upper
u+M : Right Upper
G+H,H : High Kick, Roundhouse
G+B+H,M : Left Hook, Right Hook
*G+B+HM,M : Left Hook, Right Hook, Power Punch
G+B+M,M : Power Punch, Uppercut
*G+B+M,H : Super Punch
G+F+M,M : Uppercut, Uppercut
G+L : Low Sweep
*G+L,M : Right Hook Fakeout
*G+L,M,M : Low Sweep, Double Scissors Kick
*G+L,M,M,M : Low Sweep, Triple Scissors Kick
[Hold briefly M],M: Elbow, Backhand

Turning Attacks (back turned)
H,H,H,L,M,M : Backfist, 2 Punches, Trip, Side Kick, Reverse Flip
H,H,H,L,L : Backfist, 2 Punches, Trip, Sweep
*HHHLM,L : Backfist, 2 Punches, Trip, Side Kick, Power Sweep
H,H,M : Backfist, Punch, Gut Punch
*HHM,M : Backfist, Punch, Power Gut Punch
*HHM,M,L : Backfist, Punch, Sweep Fakeout
M : Horse Kick

Dodge Attacks
U,U/D,D+H : Jumping Roundhouse
U,U/D,D+M : Shoulder Ram
U,U/D,D+L : Trip

While Standing
(crouch) M : Double Scissors

b+G+M,H : Power Punch


5:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2.2.2 Epon
Height: 165 cm
Weight: 50 kg
Age : 19

(grab) M : Spinning Throw
(grab) b+M : Reverse Trip
(grab) f+M : Forward Trip
(grab) u/d+M : Stomach Throw
(side grab) M : Neck Throw
(side grab) M : Judo Throw
(back grab) M : Stomach Throw
f,f+G+M : Flip Over (when enemy is crouching)

Normal Attacks
H,H,H : 3 Punches
H,H,H,f+H : 3 Punches, Knee
*HHHf+H,M : 3 Punches, Knee, Rolling Kick
H,H,H,f+H,f+L,M : 3 Punches, Knee, Sweep, Rolling Kick
H,H,G+H : 2 Punches, Roundhouse
H,H,M,M : 2 Punches, Uppercut, Reverse Crescent Kick
H,H,M,L : 2 Punches, Uppercut, Foot Sweep
H,H,H,M : 3 Punches, Elbow
*HHHM,L : 3 Punches, Low Fakeout
H,M,L : Punch, Side Kick, Sweep
*HM,L : Punch, Side Kick, Power Sweep
H,M,f+M : Punch, Side Kick, Mule Kick
H,M,M,M : Punch, Side Kick, Side Kick, Gut Punch
H,H,L : 2 Punches, Sweep
M,M : 2 Side Kicks
*M, H : Side Kick, Power Side, Mule Kick
M, L : Low Kick, Trip
L,M,H : Low Kick, Side Kick, Roundhouse
L,M,L : Low Kick, Side Kick, Sweep
L,M,M : Low Kick, 2 Side Kicks
L,M,M,f+H : Low Kick, 2 Side Kicks, Knee
*LMMf+H,M : Low Kick, 2 Side Kicks, Knee, Rolling Kick
L,M,M,f+H,f+L,M : Low Kick, 2 Side Kicks, Knee, Sweep, Rolling Kick
f+M : Mule Kick
(you can chain this into any combo starting with H)
f+M, B : Super Mule Kick (hold back to delay)
f,f+M : Crescent Kick
*f,f+M,M,L : Crescent Kick, Power Crescent Kick, Power Sweep
*f,f+L,M,L : Low Punch Fakeout
b,b+M : Rolling Heel Kick
f,f+H : Flying Heel Kick
b,b+H,L : Flying Roundhouse, Sweep
d/u/b+H,L : Crescent Heel Kick, Sweep
d/u/b+M : Reverse Crescent Kick
f/u/b+L,M : Right Sweep, Rolling Kick
f,f+L,H : Left Sweep, Crescent Kick
*f,f+L,M : Elbow Fakeout
f+H : Knee
G+H,H,H : 3 Roundhouse Kicks
G+H,M,L : Roundhouse, Uppercut, Sweep
G+H,M,M : Roundhouse, Uppercut, Crescent Kick
G+H,f+M : Roundhouse, Mule Kick
G+H,b+M : Roundhouse, Gut Punch
f+G+M : Heel Upper
f+L,M : Sweep, Low Flip

Turning Attacks (back turned)
H : High Chop
(you can chain this into any combo starting with H)
M : Reverse Crescent Kick
L : Low Swipe

Dodge Attacks
d,d+M/u,u+M : High Roundhouse Sweep

While Standing
(crouch) M : Low Crescent

H,M,f+M,b : High Punch, Middle Kick, Charge Kick

b+G+M : For high and middle attacks

5:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2.2.3 Oliems
Height: 198 cm
Weight: 110 kg
Age : 20

(grab) M : Body Slam
(grab) b+M : Jumping Suplex
(grab) f+M : Back Breaker
(grab) (push) M : Shoulder Breaker
(grab) u/d+M : Stomach Throw
(side grab) M : Body Drop
(side grab) M : Side Suplex
(back grab) M : Atomic Drop

Normal Attacks
H,H,H,M : 3 Punches, Roundhouse
H,H,M,M : 2 Punches, Axe Kick
H,H,M,f+M : 2 Punches, Kick, Headbutt, Chicken Dodge
B+H,H,H,H,H : Blur Punches
B+HHHHH,M,H,H,H : Blur Punches, Gut Punch, 3 Backfists
B+HHHH,L,f+M,M : Blur Punches, Low Kick, Headbutt, Chicken Dodge
*B+HHHH,L,M : Blur Punches, Low Kick, Power Headbutt
B+HHH,M : Blur Punches, Overhead Kick
M,M : Axe Kick
f+M,M : Gut Punch, Scissors Kick
f,f+M,M,... : Headbutt, Chicken Dodge
b+M,M,M,M : 3 Uppercuts, Chop
b+M,M,H,M : 3 Uppercuts, Overhead Kick
b+M,M,H,H,L,f+M,M : 2 Uppercuts, Blur Punches, Headbutt, Hook
*b+M,M,H,H,L,M : 2 uppercuts, Blur Punches, Power Headbutt
b,b+M : Heel Kick
b,b+H : Backfist
b,b+H,H,M : Backfist, Elbow, Overhead Kick
f,f+H : Flying Heel Kick
*f,f+H,M : Flying Heel Kick, Stomp
M,f+M,M : Kick, Headbutt, Hook
f,f+M,M : Headbutt, Chicken Dodge
*L,L,.. : Infinity Low Kicks
*L,L,..,M : Infinity Low Kicks, Stomp
G+H,H,H : 3 Backfists
G+H,M,M : Backfist, Punch, Gut Punch
G+H,M,L : Backfist, Punch, Swipe
G+H,L : Backfist, Swipe
b/f+G+M,H : Charge, Roundhouse
b/f+G+M,M : Charge, Overhead Kick
b/f+G+M,L : Charge, Sweep
G+L,M,M.. : Sweep, Headbutt, Chicken Dodge
*G+L,M : Sweep, Power Headbutt

Turning Attacks (back turned)
H,M : Elbow, Overhead Kick
M : Back Flip

Dodge Attacks
u,u+M/d,d+M : Side Hook

While Standing
(crouch) f+M : Gut Punch
(crouch) f+M,M : Stomp

b+G+M,H : Deflect, Power Kick
b+G+M,b+M : Deflect, Axe Kick
b+G+M,L : Deflect, Foot Sweep

b+G+M : Deflects high attacks and sets up unblockable

5:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2.2.4 Hom
Height: 180 cm
Weight: 150 kg
Age : 21

(grab) M : Head Slam
(grab) b+M : Power Bomb
(grab) f+M : Head Slam
(grab) u/d+M : Stomach Throw
(grab) (push) b+M : Sommersault Throw
(side grab) M : Elbow Throw
(side grab) M : Side Head Slam
(back grab) M : Body Toss

Normal Attacks
H,H,H : 2 Punches, Roundhouse
H,H,M,M : 3 Punches, Uppercut
H,M,M : 3 Punches
H,M,L : 2 Punches, Sweep
H,L : Punch, Sweep
*H(long tap),H,.. : Infinity Punch
*H(long tap),H..M : Infinity Punch, Mid Punch
d/u/b+H,M : Split Kick, Uppercut
d/u/b+H,L : Split Kick, Sweep
b+M,M : Double Uppercut
b+M,L : Uppercut, Sweep
f,f+M,M : Axe Kick
f,f+H : Overhead Punch
*f,f+H,M : Overhead, Spinning Punch
f,f+M,tap H : Half Axe, Power Punch
f,f+M,tap H, L : Half Axe, Sweep Fakeout
b+G+M : Extended Grab
d+J+G : Switch Off
f+M,M,b+M : 2 Kicks, Headbutt
f+M,M,H : 3 Kicks
b,b+M,L,L,L,M,(F) : Back Flip, Breakdance Kicks, (Rocket Dash)
b,b+M,M,d+M : Helicopter Kicks
L,M : Low Kick, Double Punch
f/d/u+L,L,M : 2 Low Kicks, Kick
b,b+L,L,L,L : Flip, Low Kicks
b,b+L,M,M,d+M : Flip, Low Kick, Split, Helicopter Kick
b,b+L,H : Flip, Low Kick, High Kick
G+H,M,M,... : Roundhouse, Infinity Punch
G+H,L : Roundhouse, Sweep
B+L : Rocket Dash

Turning Attacks (back turned)

Dodge Attacks
u/d+M : Side Chop

While Standing
(crouch) b+M : Headbutt

f,f+M,H,H : Stomp, Windup Punch
(keep hitting H for more power, L to cancel)


5:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2.2.5 Fei Pusu
Height: 161 cm
Weight: 50 kg
Age : Unknown

(grab) M : Spinning Throw
(grab) b+M : Rolling Throw
(grab) f+M : Forward Spin
(grab) u/d+M : Stomach Throw
(grab) (push) b+M : Reverse Spin
(side grab) M : Spinning Throw
(side grab) M : Neck Throw
(back grab) M : Reverse Forward Spin

Normal Attacks
H,H,H : 2 Punches, Roundhouse
H,H,f+M : 2 Punches, Overhead Kick
H,H,b+M : 2 Punches, Backflip
f+H,M,M : 3 Punches
H,M,L : Punch, Kick, Sweep
*H,M,L,M(M),M : Punch, Kick, Sweep, Power Upper(delay), Uppercut
*H,M,L,M(M),L,L : Punch, Kick, Sweep, Power Upper(delay), Hell Sweeps
*H,M,L,M(M),L : Punch, Kick, Sweep, Sweep Fakeout
u/d/b+H : Split Kick
*u/d/b+H,M,M : Split Kick, Flame Upper, Power Upper
f,f+H : Roundhouse
M,L : Kick, Sweep
*M,L,M(M),M : Kick, Sweep, Power Upper(delay), Uppercut
*M,L,M(M),L,L : Kick, Sweep, Power Upper(delay), Hell Sweeps
*M,L,M(M),L : Kick, Sweep, Sweep Fakeout
f+M : Overhead Kick
b+M : Uppercut
b+M,(hold M) : Delayed Uppercut
b+M(M),L : Sweep Fakeout
*b+M,M : Uppercut, Power Upper
*b+M,L,L : Uppercut, Hell Sweeps
*b,b+M,L,L : Backflip, Hell Sweeps
f,f+M,M,M : Kicks, Uppercut, Sweep
*f,f+M,M,M,H,H,H,L: Kicks, Uppercut, Sweep, Punch, Punch, Backflip, Stomp
(You have to see this!)
f,f+M,(M) : Kicks, Delayed Uppercut
f,f+M,(M),L : Kicks, Sweep Fakeout
f,f+M(hold) : Punch Fakeout
f+L,L : 2 Low Kicks
*f+L,M,M : Low Kick, 2 Flame Uppers
*f+L,M : Low Kick, Roundhouse Sweep
L,M : Low Kick, Double Punch
b/u/d+L,L : Sweeps
f,f+L,M : Low Kick, Double Kick
*f,f+L,M,M : Low Kick, Heel Kick, Double Kick
d+G+H : Flying Roundhouse
G+H,M : Roundhouse, Uppercut
*G+L,L,M,L,L : Sweep, Hell Sweep, Back Flip, Hell Sweep
d+G+L,M : Low Kick, Double Kick

Turning Attacks (back turned)
M : Backflip

Dodge Attacks
u,u+M/d,d+M : Side Chop

While Standing
(crouch) f+L,H : Roll, Double Kick
(crouch) M : Heel Kick
*(crouch)M,M : Heel Kick, Double Kick

u+M,b/d+M,b : Sidestep, Power Punch

b+G+H : For high attacks
b+G+M : For middle attacks
b+G+L : For low attacks

5:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2.2.6 Ill Goga
Height: 201 cm
Weight: 180 kg
Age : Unknown

(grab) M : Body Slam
(grab) b+M : Back Slam
(grab) f+M : Head Toss
(grab) u/d+M : Stomach Throw
(grab)(push) M : Body Slam
(side grab) M : Head Slam
(side grab) M : Head Slam
(back grab) M : Body Slam

(grab) hold G, M : Mount
(mount) H : High Punch
(mount) L : Low Punch
(mount) M : Throw

Normal Attacks
H,H,H : 3 Punches
H,M : Punch, Double Punch
H,M,L : Punch, Double Punch, Kick
H,L,L,H : Punch, 2 Kicks, Elbow
H,L,L,L,H : Punch, 3 Kicks, Roundhouse
b+H : Tail Swipe
*b+H,H : Power Swipe
f+H : Boot Kick
f,f+H,L : Headbutt, Low Kick
*f,f+H,H,H : Triple Headbutt
*f,f+H,H,L : Double Headbutt, Low Kick
b/d/u+M : Double Punch
b/d/u+M,H : Roundhouse Fakeout
b/d/u+M,L : Double Punch, Low Kick
b,b+M : Uppercut
f,f+M : Knee
f+M : Mid Kick
b+L(hold) : Lay down (stay down, direction to move)
b+L,L : Lay Down, Swipe
b+L,b+M : Lay Down, Uppercut
b+L,M,M,M : Lay Down, Tail Strikes
f+L,L : 2 Low Swipes
f+L,H : Swipe, Overhead Punch
f+L,M,M : Swipe, 2 Punches
G+H,H,M,M : 2 Overheads, Uppercut, Tail Swipe
G+H,L : Overhead, Sweep
G+H,M,M : Overhead, 2 Punches
b+G+M,M : Tail Swipes
G+L,M,M,M : Tail Swipes

Turning Attacks (back turned)

Dodge Attacks
d,d+M/u,u+H : Side Upper

While Standing
(crouch) f+M : Hammer
(crouch) b+M,M : Double Hammer
(crouch) M, f+M : Headbutt, Knee

b+H (hold) : Spinning Tail Whip


5:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2.2.7 Mary Ivonskaya
Height: 189 cm
Weight: 140 kg
Age : 33

(grab) M : DDT
(grab) b+M : Delayed Suplex
(grab) f+M : Body Lift
(lift) M : Back Breaker
(lift) f/b/d/u+M : Direction Drop
(grab) (push) b+M : Giant Swing
(grab) u/d+M : Neck Throw
(side grab) M : Neck Drop
(side grab) M : Arm Breaker
(back grab) M : Back Suplex
f+G+M : Tackle
(tackle) H,H... : Face Punch
(tackle) L,L... : Stomach Punch
(tackle) M : Rolling Throw
(hold G) f,f + M : Ground Throw
(different from each direction)

Normal Attacks
H,H,H : 3 punches
*HH,M,H : 2 Punches, Mid Punch, Roundhouse
*HHH,M : 3 Punches, Gut Punch
H,M,L : 2 Punches, Low Kick
H,M,H,H : 3 Punches, Slap
H,M,H,L : 3 Punches, Low Kick
b+H,H : Hook Punches
b+H(hold) : Power Right Hook
*b+H,H,M : Hook Punches, Gut Punch
f+H : Power Slap
f,f+H : Drop Kick
M,H : Mid Kick, Drop Kick
M,L : Mid Kick, Sweep
f,f+M : Boot Kick
b+H : Right Hook
f+M,M : Hammer, Hammer Uppercut
b+M : Overhead Chop
b+M(hold) : Power Chop
b,b+M,M : Overhead Hammer, Uppercut
f+L,L,L : Ali Kicks
*f+L,L,M,H : Ali Kicks, Mid Kick, Drop Kick
*f+L,L,M,L : Ali Kicks, Mid Kick, Sweep
f+L,M,H : Ali Kick, Mid Kick, Roundhouse
f+L,M,M : Ali Kick, 2 Mid Kicks
b+L : Sweep
G+H : Jumping Roundhouse
G+L,M : Sweep, Power Overhead Punch

Turning Attacks (back turned)

Dodge Attacks
d,d+M/u,u+M : Sweep

While Standing
(crouch) M, H : Mid Punch, Roundhouse
(crouch) f+M : Gut Punch

b+H (hold) : Power Hook
b+M (hold) : Power Chop
G+L,M : Foot Sweep, Hopping Punch

b+G+M : For high and middle attacks
b+G+L : For low attacks

5:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2.2.8 Gren Kuts
Height: 175 cm
Weight: 70 kg
Age : 18

(grab) M : Body Slam
(grab) b+M : Low Suplex
(grab) f+M : Shoulder Drop
(grab) u/d+M : Neck Throw
(grab) (push) b+M : Neck Throw
(side grab) M : Neck Breaker
(side grab) M : Neck Breaker
(back grab) M : Back Toss

Normal Attacks
H,H,H,M : 2 Punches, Roundhouse, Mid Sweep
H,H,H,L : 2 Punches, Roundhouse, Low Sweep
H,H,M : 2 Punches, Mid Punch
*HHM,L,b+M,M : 2 Punches, Mid Punch, Sweep, Double Sommersault
*HHM,L,M,M,M,M,M : 2 Punches, Mid Punch, Mid Kick, 2 Punches, 2 Overheads
*HHM,L,M,M,M,M(hold) 2 Punches, Mid Punch, Mid Kick, 2 Punches, Stance
then -H : Overhead Flip
or -L,b+M,M : Low Kick, Double Sommersault
*HHM,L,M,M,L,M : 2 Punches, Mid Punch, Mid Kick, Punch, Sweep, Uppercut
*HHM,L,M,L,M : 2 Punches, Mid Punch, Mid Kick, Sweep, Uppercut
H,M,L : 2 Punches, Sweep
*HML,M : 2 Punches, Sweep, Uppercut
*HM,M,L,M : 2 Punches, Uppercut, Sweep, Uppercut
*HM,H,H,H : 2 Punches, 3 Roundhouse
*HM,H,M,M,M,M : 2 Punches, Roundhouse, 2 Mid Punches, Overheads
*HM,H,M,M,M(hold) 2 Punches, Roundhouse, 2 Mid Punches, Stance
then -H : Overhead Flip
or -L,b+M,M : Low Kick, Double Sommersault
*HM,H,L,M : 2 Punches, Roundhouse, Sweep, Backflip
*HM,H,L,M : 2 Punches, Roundhouse, Sweep, Uppercut
f,f+H : High Sweep
f+M : Uppercut
b+M : Gut Punch
*b+M,L,M : Gut Punch, Sweep, Uppercut
*b+M,M,M,M : Gut Punch, Punch, 2 Overheads
b,b+M,M : Overhead Kicks
b,b+M,L,M : Overhead Kick, Sweep, Backflip
*b,b+M,L,M : Overhead Kick, Sweep, Uppercut
b+M,f : Delayed Gut Punch
f,f+M : Mid Sweep
*L,b+M,M : Low Kick, Double Sommersault
f+L : Sweep
*f+L,M,M,M,M : Sweep, 2 Punches, Overhead Kicks
*f+L,M,M,M(hold) Sweep, 2 Punches, Stance
then -H : Overhead Flip
or -L,b+M,M : Low Kick, Double Sommersault
*f,f+L,M : Sweep, Uppercut
*b,b+L,b+M,M : Sweep, Double Sommersault
G+H,H,H : 3 Roundhouse
*G+H,M,M,M : Roundhouse, Punch, Double Sommersault
*G+H,M,L,M : Roundhouse, Punch, Sweep, Uppercut
G+H,L,M : Roundhouse, Sweep, Backflip
*G+H,L,M : Roundhouse, Sweep, Uppercut
b+G+M : Flaming Scissors Kick
d+L~M : Crouch into a Slicing Spin Kick
d,d/u,u+[hold M] : Crane Stance (You can hop around in any direction)
-M : Double Axe Kick (After releasing M press again
for second one)
-H : Overhead Flip (Rises higher than Nork)
-G : Cancel Stance
d,d/u,u+H : Spin Kicks (This is his Dodge Attack)

Turning Attacks (back turned)

Dodge Attacks
d,d+M/u,u+M : Axe Kick

While Standing
(crouch) f+M : Uppercut
(crouch) b+M,M : Double Sommersault
(crouch) f+H : Roundhouse

b+G+M : Super Axe Kick


5:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2.2.9 Chaco Yutani
Height: 174 cm
Weight: 58 kg
Age : 23

(grab) M : Shoulder Toss
(grab) b+M : Body Push
(grab) f+M : Tackle
(Tackle) H : Face Punch
(Tackle) L : Stomach Punch
(Tackle) M : Arm Breaker
(grab) u/d+M : Neck Throw
(side grab) M : Arm Breaker
(side grab) M : Arm Breaker
(back grab) M : Arm Breaker

Normal Attacks
H,H,H,M : 2 Punches, Double Palm Strikes
*H,HHH,M : 3 Punches, Double Palm Strikes
f+H,M : Double Palm Strikes
H,H,L : 2 Punches, Sweep
*HHL, M : 2 Punches, Scorpion Kick
*H,HHL, M : 3 Punches, Scorpion Kick
H,H,M,M : 2 Punches, Elbow, Uppercut
*H,HHMM : 3 Punches, Elbow, Uppercut
M,M : Side Kick, Heel Kick
M,H : Side Kick, High Heel Kick
*M,H : Side Kick, Spinning Heel Kick
M,G,H,f : Crouch Dash, Grab, Sidestep
M,G,H,H : Crouch Dash, Grab, Power Roundhouse
M,G,H,M : Crouch Dash, Grab, Mid Punch
*MG,H,M : Crouch Dash, Grab, Power Punch
M,G,H,L : Crouch Dash, Grab, Trip
*MG,HL,H,H : Crouch Dash, Grab, Trip, Air Spin Kick
M,G,M : Crouch Dash, Power Punch
MG,b+M,M,f+M : Crouch Dash, Overhead Hammer, Elbow, Shoulder Strike
M,G,f+H,M : Crouch Dash, Double Palm Strike
M,G,L : Crouch Dash, Trip
L,L : 2 Low Kicks
*f+L,M,M : Low Kick, 2 Spinning Heel Kicks
*f+L,M : Overhead Sweep
f+M : Uppercut Swing
M,f : Power Uppercut
d+M,D or u+M,U : Super Uppercut
b,b+H : Spinning Heel Kick
f,f+H : Spinning Roundhouse
f,f+M : Double Fist
f,f+L : Rolling Low Kick
b,b+M : Forward Flip Kick
*b,b+M,M : Flip Kick, Overhead Sweep
*b,b+M,L : Overhead Sweep
b+M,M : Mid Fist, Chop
b+M+L : Overhead Sweep
*b+M+L,M,M,... : Infinity Overhead (only when blocked)
*d+L,G, M : Back Dodge, Power Punch
*d+L,G, H : Back Dodge, Double Palm Strike
*G+L, M : Scorpion Kick
*G+L, L,... : Infinity Sweep
*G+L, L,..., M : Infinity Sweep, Scorpion Kick
G+H : Roundhouse

Turning Attacks (back turned)
H : Roundhouse
M : Shoulder Strike

Dodge Attacks
u,u+H/d,d+H : Side Flip Kick

While Standing

u+M,u/d+M,d : Charge Punch
b+L,G,H : Bend Over Backwards, High Two-handed Punch
b+L,G,M : Bend Over Backwards, Middle Punch

b+G+M : For high and middle attacks

5:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2.2.10 Doctor V
Height: 202 cm
Weight: 105 kg
Age : 32

(grab) M : Tackle
*(tackle) M : Hold
*(hold) H : Face Punch
*(hold) L : Stomach Punch
*(hold) M : Rolling Side Throw
(grab) b+M : Guard Pull
(grab) f+M : Forward Trip
(grab) u/d+M : Neck Throw
(back grab) M : Back Trip

Normal Attacks
H,H,H,M : 2 Punches, Elbow, Side Kick
H,H,M : 2 Punches, Side Kick
H,M,L : 2 Punches, Trip
H,H,L : 2 Punches, Trip
f+H,H,M : 2 Elbows, Side Kick
f+H,H,L : 2 Elbows, Side Kick
*f+H,H,H : Elbow, 2 Power Punches
*f+H,M : Elbow, Uppercut
b+H : High Kick
b+H,M : Overhead Knee
b,b+H : Straight Arrow
b,b+H,M : Back Attack
b+M : Uppercut
f+M,M : Elbow, Knee
f,f+M : Boot Kick
b,b+M,M,L : 2 Mid Punches, Trip
f+L,M,H : Trip, Elbow, Roundhouse
*f+LMH,M,M : Trip, Elbow, Overhead Kick, Heel Kick
b+L,M : Low Kick, Horse Kick
b+G+H,H : 2 Left Hooks
b+G+H,M,M : Left Hook, Overhead, Uppercut
f+G+M : Elbow Uppercut
b+G+M,M,M : Triple Knee
*b+G+M,H : Knee, High Kick
*b+G+M,M,M : Knee, Overhead Kick, Heel Kick
*b+G+M,L : Knee, Trip
G,G (hold G) : Dodging Stance (D)
b/d/u/f : Dodge
(D) M,M,M : Triple Uppercut
(D) f+H : Super Punch
(D) f+M : Super Overhead Hammer

Turning Attacks (back turned)

Dodge Attacks
u+H : Spinning Elbow

While Standing

b,b+H : Posing Charge Punch (M to cancel)
b,b+M (hold) : Crouching Charge Punch (H or L to cancel)


5:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2.2.11 Mufu

(grab) M : Spinning Pile Driver
(grab) b+M : Spinning Body Toss
(grab) f+M : Giant Swing
(grab) u/d+M : Body Toss
(side grab) M : Spinning Neck Throw
(side grab) M : Spinning Neck Throw
(back grab) M : Spinning Reverse Body Toss

Normal Attacks
H,H,H : Triple Hammer
f+H,H,H,H : Double Punch, Slap
f+H,M : Double Punch, Mid Kick
b+H : Heel Kick
M,M,M : Triple Mid Kick
*MM,M,M,M : 2 Mid Kicks, 2 Stomps, High Kick
*MM,MM,M,H : 2 Mid Kicks, 2 Stomps, Kick, Split Punch, Taunt
f+M,H : Split Punch, Taunt
b+M,M,M : 2 Stomps, High Kick
*b+M,M,H,H : 2 Stomps, Split Punch, Taunt
b,b+M : Uppercut
L,H : Low Kick, Heel Kick
f+L,L,L : Travelling Low Kick
f+L,M : Low Kick, Turnaround Heel Kick
*f+LL,MM,MMM : Travelling Kicks, 2 Mid Kicks, 2 Stomps, High Kick
*f+LL,MM,MM,MH : Travelling Kicks, 2 Mid Kicks, 2 Stomps, Split Punch

Turning Attacks (back turned)
M : Horse Kick

Dodge Attacks
u,u+M/d,d+M : Uppercut

While Standing



2.2.12 Nork the Mysterious


Normal Attacks
H,H : 2 Punches
b+H : Right Hook
b+M : Uppercut
f+M,M,M : Triple Hammers
G+H,H,M : Triple Overhead Punches

Turning Attacks (back turned)

Dodge Attacks

While Standing
(crouch) M : Uppercut
(crouch) b+M : Right Hand Splat



5:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2.2.13 Emperor Udan

(grab) M : Arm Swing
(grab) b+M : Frankensteiner
(grab) f+M : Arm Swing
(grab) u/d+M : Side Toss
(grab) (push) b+M : Back Toss
(side grab) M : DDT
(side grab) M : Body Drop
(back grab) M : Belly Suplex

Normal Attacks
H,H : 2 Punches
H,M : Punch, Mid Punch
*H,M,H,H,L : 2 punches, Roundhouse, Sweep
*HM,HH,Mb+M,b+M,L : 2 punches, Roundhouse, Kick, Flip, Ram, Stomp
*HM,HH,Mb+M,M,M : 2 Punches, Roundhouse, Kick, Flip, Drop Kick, Flip
b,b+H (H) : Spinning Roundhouse (delay)
b+H : Spinning Roundhouse
f+H (H) : Forward Spinning Roundhouse (delay)
b+M,b+M,L : Double Flash Kicks
*b+M,b+M,L : Double Flash Kicks, Stomp
*b+M,b+M,M,M : Flash Kick, Drop Kick, Reverse Flip Kick
f+M : Spinning Punch
f,f+M : Flip Kick, Flash Kick
b,b+M,M,M : Drop Kick, Reverse Flip Kick
f,f+L,M,M : Low Drop Kick, Reverse Flip, Back flip
b,b+L : Low Shoulder Ram
G+H,H,L : Double Roundhouse, Sweep
*G+HH,Mb+M,b+M,L : Double Roundhouse, Kick, Flip, Ram, Stomp
*G+HH,Mb+M,M,M : Double Roundhouse, Kick, Flip, Drop Kick, Flip

Turning Attacks (back turned)
M : Drop Kick
L : Low Sweep
H : Spinning Punch

Dodge Attacks
u+H/d+H : Roundhouse
u,u+H/d,d+H : Spinning Roundhouse
u,u+M/d,d+M : Side Sommersault, Shoulder Ram
u,u+M/d,d+M,M : Side Sommersault, Stomp
u,u+M/d,d+M,L,M,M : Side Sommersault, Reverse Flip, Back Flip

While Standing
(crouch) M : Sommersault
(crouch) b+M : Flip Stomp
(Crouch) f+M,M : Reverse Flip, Back Flip



5:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2.2.14 Mark

(grab) M : Shoulder Throw
(grab) b+M : Frankensteiner
(grab) f+M : Rolling Throw
(grab) u/d+M : Side Throw
(side grab) M : Side Suplex
(side grab) M : Body Drop
(back grab) M : Suplex

Normal Attacks
H,H,H : High Knee, 2 Spinning Kicks
H,H,M : High Knee, Spinning Kick, Hop Kick
H,M,M,M,M,M,M : High Knee, Axe Kick, 2 Flips, 2 Forward Flips, V Kick
H,M,L : High Knee, Axe Kick, Foot Sweep
M,M : Gut Kick, Forward Flip Kick
L,M,M : Low Kick, Side Kick, Backwards Kick
L,M,L : Low Kick, Side Kick, Foot Sweep
L,L,M,M,M : Low Kick, Foot Sweep, 2 Flip Kicks, Mule Kick
b+H,M,M : Scorpion Kick, Gut Kick, Forward Flip Kick
b+H,L,L,M,M,M : Scorpion Kick, Double Sweep, Sweep, 2 Flips, Mule Kick
b+M : V Kick
b+L : Breakdance Sweep
b,b+H : Headspin (unblockable)
b,b+M : Backflip Kick, Roll Away
b,b+M,M : Backflip Kick, Pop Up Kick
f+H,H,... : Infinite Kicks
f+M,M : Forward Flip Kick, Handstand Kick
f,f+H : Headspin
G+H,H,... : Infinite Spin Kicks (can change to below move anytime)
G+L,M,L,M...(L,M) : Infinite Low and Middle Spin Kicks

Turning Attacks (back turned)
H : High Knee
M : Back Kick
L : Low Kick

Dodge Attacks
u+H/d+H : Sidestep Kick
u+M/d+M : Side Flip Kick
u+L/d+L : Foot Sweep

While Standing
(crouch) M : Handstand Kick

b,b+H : Headspin


2.2.15 Mark2

(grab) M : Shoulder Throw
(grab) b+M : DDT
(grab) f+M : DDT
(grab) u/d+M : Side Throw
(side grab) M : Spin Throw
(side grab) M : Armbreaker
(back grab) M : Suplex

Normal Attacks
H,H : Backhand, Straight Punch
H,M : Backhand, Spin
M,H : Hook, Backhand
M,M,H : Hook, Low Backhand, Backhand
M,M,M : Hook, Low Backhand, Straight Punch
M,M,L : Hook, Low Backhand, Tail Sweep
L,H,M : Low Kick, Axe Kick, Power Gut Kick
L,M,H : Low Kick, Kick, Power Axe Kick
L,M,M : Low Kick, Kick, Power Gut Kick
L,L,L : 2 Low Kicks, Tail Sweep
b+H,M : Scorpion Kick, Tail Strike
b+M,M : 2 Flipping Tail Attacks
b,b+H : Power Tail Swat
b,b+M : Uppercut
f+M : Power Two-handed Punch
f+M,M,H : Fake Power Punch, Hopping Tail, Flipping Tail
f,f+M : Power Punch
f,f+L,L,L : Three Tail Sweeps
G+H : Tail Spin
G+L,L,L : Three Tail Sweeps

Turning Attacks (back turned)

Dodge Attacks
u+H/d+H : Sidestep, Kick
u+M/d+M : Flip Kick

While Standing
(crouch) H : High Kick
(crouch) M,M : V Kick, Tail Strike
(crouch) L,L,L : Three Tail Sweeps

hold G,M,M(timing): Power Tail Spin
G,M, release G : Power Tail Spin


5:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2.2.16 Chocobo


Normal Attacks
H : High Peck
M : Middle Peck
L : Low Kick
f+M : Middle Kick

Turning Attacks (back turned)

Dodge Attacks

While Standing



2.2.17 Dog

f,f+G : Jump onto opponent

Normal Attacks
H,H,H : 3 Paw Scratches
M,M : Kick, Double Kick
b+H,H,H... : Bark
b,b+H : Howl
b+M : Play Dead
b+L : Growl
f+H : Pouncing Attack
f+M : Double Kick
f,f+M : Head Attack
f+L : Leg Bite

Turning Attacks (back turned)

Dodge Attacks
u+M (or d+M) : Side Hop

While Standing
M : Beg



5:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2.3 Move Tips

All 10 main characters now have fireball attacks. These are done by
pressing back, sqr, back(hold). The longer you hold back, the more
powerful the projectile becomes, but it will drain your life as it is

To perform a projectile using the analog controller, push down on the
left analog stick as if it were a button (this is referred to as L3,
pushing the right analog stick is R3), then hold middle attack to
charge. Release the middle attack button to launch the projectile.

Close Range Unblockables
For these attacks, the button combinations should be performed as fast as
possible (and usually hold the last button for a little longer). For
example, with Chuji press back+guard+sqr and try to slip you're thumb to
triangle immediately. If done correctly, you will see an aura around
your fist/foot similar to launching a projectile.

You can hold back and guard and wait for an attack. The other button
should be pushed just after your opponent starts his attack but before
anything connects.

Many of the monsters are derivatives of other monsters, for example
Tri Horn is based on Dog. Usually there are a few slight differences
between similar monsters.

Some of the monsters (especially those that normally can't grab) have
special throws. These throws are done by pressing f,f+G+M. A few
examples of this are Dog, any zombies, any jellies, Mohican Penguin
(what the hell?!?), and Silver Wizard (there are probably more).

2.4 Character Backgrounds

Recently, Kuts Foundation has been bought up all of Tobal's mines and
started selfishly mining them. To this end, Kuts Foundation has been
working the miners very hard and frequently taking over it's smaller
rivals. As one of the miners who has been bought up, Chuji is now
infuriated by the practices of the company. Chuji enters the 99th
Tournament in order to strike down the head of the company, Gren Kuts.

Previously, Epon's father injured numerous opponents in the Tobal
tournament using a brutal style as he became the Super Tobal Man.
Having said that, the true reason he fought so hard for the prize money
was because he needed it to help Epon who suffered from a terrible
illness when she was a child. But the public bathed him with blame for
the rough fight, so he was banished by the Emperor of Martial Arts and
disappeared. Epon was told this story by her mother when she had grown,
in order to clear her father's name, she has once again entered the

Oliems' master entered the Tobal No. 1 Tournament. However, his opponent
was a Kittaiku-seijin (Epon's father) who beat him, showering him insults
like "Chicken Bastard". Not only was the name of the famous military
champion humiliated, but rumors of the Kientakku-seijin's weakness began
to spread. In order to restore Kientakku-seijin pride and honor, Oliems
joins the Tournament aiming for the championship. [Note: Kientakku-seijin
approximates to Kentuckian in English, a little bit of Toriyama humor]

Recently Hom's body had become weak. He was worried that his master,
Fei, had done this to him on purpose. As long as he suffered from this
condition and did not have [?some kind of permit?], he could never be
independent. Thinking this, Hom saw Fei as an incentive to enter the
99th Tournament. Fei opposed Hom's entry saying "You will stop on your
way to your goal", but Hom didn't understand his meaning. Ignoring Fei,
Hom proceeded to enter the contest.

5:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Recently, Hom's condition has worsened. In the middle of training, Hom
would stop moving and he had to be fixed. Suddenly Fei remembered that
the special Molmoran Stone was actually the Royal Stone. The point is,
Hom is a robot powered by the Royal Stone that Fei obtained after he won
the 66th Tournament. Perhaps the stone's power has become weak. The
only way to get another Royal Stone is by winning the Tobal No. 1

Ill thought that if he won the 98th Tournament, he could present his
girlfriend with a nose ring [wedding ring?]. He thought it would be
good for her to see his gallantry at the Tournament, but Ill was horribly
defeated. Moreover, his girlfriend fell in love with the champion, Gren,
and couldn't stand to look at Ill. In order to win back his girlfriend's
love by defeating Gren, Ill has entered the Tournament.

One day a letter was delivered to Mary by Gren Kuts' butler. The letter
said that because Gren wanted to continue his study of martial arts, he
wished to block Mary from entering his Tournament. Enclosed in the
envelope was a blank check. Mary was in financial trouble because of her
family situation and because of the state of Professional Wrestling which
offered her no opponents. The lure of the prize money was too much and
Mary ignored Gren and entered the contest.

Gren became the Super Tobal Man by defeating Emperor Udan in the 98th
Tobal Tournament. But lately, Gren has heard terrible rumors about the
Kuts Foundation. Somehow the Foundation has been buying up land on Tobal
and committing various crimes. Thinking that this situation will injure
the honor of the Kuts' House, Gren left for Tobal in order to investigate
the Foundation. And as long as he's on Tobal, Gren has decided to join
the 99th Tournament...

In order to investigate an evil "ki" that has begun emanating from planet
Tobal, a woman, Chaco, has been dispatched from the ranks of the Galaxy
Patrol. She found the Kuts Foundation to be very suspicious and is
determined to find proof of it's wrongdoings. At the same time, the 99th
Tobal No. 1 Tournament is being held. Chaco really has three reasons for
entering the Tournament. To find new evidence, to test her martial arts
skills, and also she would like to meet once more a man she has only
glimpsed before, Gren...

Doctor V
As well as being a famous surgeon, Doctor V also comes from a family of
military fighters. He believes he has taken the road of medical science
to the extreme and he can feel the limit of the latest technology. In
order to study ancient medical techniques, Doctor V has taken a trip to
the center of the Universe. The ancient medical texts mentioned a
certain stone without necessarily confirming it's existence. He also
heard that the winner of the Tobal No. 1 Tournament will be given the
Royal Stone by Emperor Udan. Thinking that this stone would be useful
in his research, Doctor V enters the competition.

A native from the planet Jarungu. Since no one else understands his
language, Mufu is a very puzzling character. [Note: Jarungu approximates
to Jungle in English]

Like most of his race, Nork has a weak mind, but Emperor Udan has
increased his strength and size...

At the last tournament, the final opponent to stand against Gren was of
course Emperor Udan. However, at this tournament it seems that there
exists a competitor who is even stronger than Udan.

Greed has blinded the director of the Kuts Foundation, the digging in
the mountains has resulted in chaos, and after a seal in the ground was
broken, a legendary warrior has reappeared. This warrior possesses the
kind of power only spoken of in Tobal's ancient legends, and yet no one
knows where he came from. The reason for the seal inside the mountain
is unknown. Where will he go? What will he do? Everyone is getting
wrapped up in the mystery.

5:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


3.1 Quest Moves
These moves are specific to the quest mode. Anyone who has played Tobal
No. 1 will already be familiar with these.

u,u : Run
G : Stop
G+left (or right) : Turn
hold G, b,b : 180-degree turn
J+u : Climb (useless)
O+direction : Move without changing directions
G+O : Get item (hands must be empty)
G+M : Use item
G+H : Throw item
G+L : Set item down
G+O : Put item in bag
Select : Open menu
L2 : Turn on/off on-line manual

3.2 Status Screen
Different parts of the body gain experience according to how much they
are used. There are eight different things you can level up.

The four on the left from top to bottom are:
-Left Arm
-Left Leg
The four on the right from top to bottom are:
-Right Hand
-Right Leg

On the right are the Stones you have equipped.
Below that is a ratio of your food level.
Next is your money (in units of Mols).
Finally, your total time is displayed.

3.3 Potions
Those of you familiar with Tobal No. 1 will remember those pesky potions.
Potions can be bought in town or picked up from defeated monsters in the
dungeon. A potions effect is indicated by it's color, unfortunately each
time you start (or return to) a quest, all the potion colors will be
different. So in one quest a potion may increase your hit points while in
another it will poison you. Once you drink a potion, you will remember
it's effect for the rest of that dungeon (but not after saving and
returning to a game) and the effects will be listed (in Japanese).

Price Effect
----- ------
N/A Show Map for Level
N/A Grow
N/A Shrink
N/A Curse All Stones
N/A Poison (slow)
N/A Poison (fast)
N/A Increase Equipped Stone by 1
N/A Decrease Equipped Stone by 1
20 Decrease Stamina Bar by ~10
20 Decrease Life Bar by ~16
20 Stay Awake
50 Identify Unknown Items in Inventory
60 Increase Stamina Bar by ~10
60 Minus 30 Stamina Points
60 Fall Asleep
60 Decrease All Attributes by 1
60 Decrease Guard by 1
80 Increase All Attributes by 1 (arms, legs, head, etc.)
80 Increase Guard by 1
100 Hyper
100 Plus 100 Health
100 Minus 100 Health
100 X2 (multiplies effects of next potion by 2)
150 Random Effect and Uncurse Stones (White Potion)
160 Increase Life Bar by ~16
160 Instant Dizzy
250 Maximum Health
300 Muteki (can't be touched)
300 Tetsujin (all attacks are unblockable)
300 Invisible (monsters won't attack)

A new feature in Tobal 2 is the ability to mix potions. To mix two
potions together, try to throw one potion into another (works well in
corners). The resulting color is determined by somehow adding the other
two colors together. Here's a list of possible RGB values, of course
the effects will change each time you play, but this may give you
something to work with.

5:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Color R G B
Red 191 25 26
Pink 229 51 153
Cherry Blossom 255 153 204
Red Bean 127 51 51
Tea 127 51 0
Kohaku (?) 255 204 140
Gold 204 165 38
Shu (?) 229 51 0
Lemon 255 255 51
Koge Tea (?) 63 38 0
Yellow 255 178 0
Blue-green 0 127 127
Yamabuki (?) 255 127 0
Water 51 229 229
Sky 0 153 255
Purple 114 0 165
Dark Blue 0 25 127
Gunjyo (?) 0 25 76
Gray 127 127 127
Sepia 165 89 25
Yellow-green 102 255 25
Azure 25 51 204
Oodo (?) 178 127 25
Deep Green 0 63 0
Silver 165 165 178
Green 0 127 0
Orange 255 76 0
Uguisu (?) 165 255 127
Black 25 25 25
White 229 229 229

If you continue to combine light-colored potions, you will eventually
reach the White Potion. When the White Potion is used in a combination,
the result will be the White Potion so it is useless to try to combine
it. The White potion has two effects, first it uncurses your stones,
second it has a random effect.

3.4 Stones
Also new to Tobal 2 is the ability to equip Stones. These Stones affect
different attributes depending on their colors. The colors always affect
the same attribute, but you won't know whether it will raise or lower
your stats until you use it. Once a Cursed Stone (lowers stats) is
equipped, you'll have to find a potion to remove the curse (after which
the gem can be removed).

Like the potions, these Stones can be combined (using the same method).
The resulting color of the Stones will be the color of the stationary
Stone (not the one thrown). The effects of the two stones will be
combined to form a new number.

Stones without a + or - next to the name will have an effect of +1 when
equipped, but +0 when combined. Stones with a +0 value cannot be thrown
to combine (as it would have no effect), but they can be used as the
base Stone in a combination.

Color Effects:
-Green Stone: Life Bar
-Yellow Stone: Stamina Bar
-Red Stone: Arms, Legs, or Throw
-Blue Stone: Guard
-Transparent Green Stone: Revive, equip at maximum health
-Purple Stone: Used to capture enemies

Remember, some Stones will increase an attribute and some will decrease it.
To see the effects of your equipped stones, press Select, then Start.
Numbers will appear next to the body parts affected.

5:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3.5 Food
Most of the animal enemies you find will drop food when defeated. Before
you chow down, be sure to check the color of the food. Make sure that
the food isn't greenish gray (this food is rotten and will poison you).
Early on, most good food will be brown, but later it will be the color of
the animal defeated. For example defeating the Red Crest will give you a
red Dragon Steak, or beating a Green Lizard will get you a green Lizard
Tail. Basically, if the food isn't the color of the animal you just
defeated, don't eat it. [Note: Cheese, jellies, and bread will never be

Poison food can still be useful though. Throw a piece of rotten meat near
a monster flame. After the monster becomes active, if it walks on the
food, it will eat it and become poisoned. But be careful, if you use a
piece of meat with a bone, the monster will be able to throw the bone
back at you!

Eating food while your stamina bar is at full will increase your guard

Eating jellies left by certain enemies will add ten food points and also
have different effects depending on the color.
-Blue Jelly: Guard x2
-Yellow Jelly: Freezes Stamina Bar for short period (eat before a long nap)
-Red Jelly: Tetsujin (all attacks become unblockable)
-Black Jelly: Muteki (can't be touched)
-Green Jelly: plus 50 to health

3.6 Quest Tips

Dungeon Locations
I will give the dungeon locations in relation to the Church (save point).
To get to the Church from the starting point, exit the house, turn right,
walk forward past the crossroad, and the Church will be the first (and
only) building on the right.

Practice Dungeon: Exit the Church, turn right and enter the door in the
side of the wall.

Egyptian Ruins: Exit the Church, turn left and walk to the crossroad,
turn left again and go into the door in the side of the wall (a small
patch of dark green grass forms a triangle just above the door). In the
middle of the next area, there is a house next to a hill. Enter the
house and talk to the Archaeologist. Now climb the hill next to the
house and cross the bridge to get to the Ruins. After completing the
Ruins, go back to the Archaeologist's house and talk to him again. He
will give you the key for the next level.

Desert Spaceship: Exit the Church, turn left and walk to the crossroad,
turn right and go to the arch in the side of the wall (you will be able
to see the dock and water on the other side of the arch). Go into the
small house on the dock and talk to the Gate Keeper. If you have the
Archaeologist's key, the Gate Keeper will lower the drawbridge for you.
Go across the drawbridge and through the courtyard (there is a small
fountain in the courtyard). Now you should be in a room with two doors,
an upper door and a lower door, take the lower door. Next is a room with
three doors, the door on the right takes you to a small village, there is
a shop there if you need to replenish supplies. Take the door in the
middle (straight ahead), you will come out of an igloo in the desert.
Turn right and walk to the stone path, turn left on the path and walk
straight ahead to the spaceship. The entrance to the Desert Spaceship is
the hole on the top. After beating this level, head back towards the
igloo that you came out of, but instead of turning right off of the stone
path, turn left and go to the second igloo. Inside this igloo, Priest is
waiting to give you the key to the Mine levels.

5:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mine Levels: Take the same path as if you were going to the Desert
Spaceship, but when you get to the room with three doors, take the door to
the left. Go to the bottom of the pit to find the entrance to the first
Mine Level. After beating Mine Level 1, you will enter into the heart of
the Mine. The door immediately to your right is the entrance to Mine Level
2, but it's locked. On the other side of the bridge there is a save point
and a shop (I reccomend you use both). Now take the staircase down to find
one of the entrances to the Mini Mine (it's better to use the lower entrance
because the key is always in the same place). Get the key from the Mini
Mine and head back to the locked door to enter Mine Level 2.

Castle: Take the same path as if you were going to the Desert Spaceship,
but when you reach the room with the upper and lower doors, take the upper

Cave: Exit the Church, turn left, walk straight ahead and enter the door
in the side of the wall.

Using the Shop
To buy items, just pick up whatever you want, the cost of the items you
have picked up will be displayed in the lower right hand corner. When
you talk to the Shopkeeper, he will ask if you want to buy the items you
are holding, the top (default) response is yes, the lower response is no.
You have to either buy or drop any items you pick up, otherwise you won't
be able to leave the shop.

To sell items, drop any items you want to sell and talk to the Shopkeeper.
Again the top response is yes (sell), and the lower response is no (don't

If you don't like the selection in the shop on a particular visit, go to
the church, save your game, and reset (press L1,L2,R1,R2,Select,Start at
the same time). Now go back to your game and the items in the shop will
be different. However, if you buy an item, then the rest of the items in
the shop will only change after you go into the next dungeon.

Probably the most important attribute to keep at a high level is Guard.
If you don't continually increase your Guard level, enemies on the lower
floors will be able to kill you in one hit. Be sure to eat a lot of food
while your Stamina is full to increase Guard.

Negative Stones can be very useful when combined. Try combining all the
negative Stones you find into a blue or green Stone. Once you get a lot
of these Stones combined, throw them at an enemy. The effect is that the
monster's guard (blue) or health (green) will be greatly reduced. After
defeating the monster, you can recover the Stone with it's power slightly
reduced. Be careful though, if you throw a Stone and miss, your enemy can
pick it up and throw it back at you.

Just as negative stones can be useful, poison food can also work to your
advantage. When you have some poison food, leave it on the ground near
a monster flame. If the monster encounters the food while moving towards
you, it will pick up the food and eat it, thus becoming poisoned.

Always try to kill all the monsters on a level, if you try to skip ahead
to the Boss, you will quickly discover that your arms and legs aren't
powerful enough to defeat the enemies.

Try not to rely too much on one single attack or combo. If you're a
puncher, make sure to keep your leg levels up because later on you will
face enemies that are too low to punch (i.e. the lizards and worms).

Except for the Practice dungeon, defeating all (or most) of the monsters
on a floor, will cause roaming monsters to appear. These monsters will
be blue flames bouncing around the halls which become monsters just like
the stationary red flames. Don't get surprised by these monsters while
taking a nap.

5:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Desert Spaceship
There are no animals in the Desert Spaceship dungeon, so be sure to stock
up on food in town before going in.

The exit for each level of the Desert Spaceship will not appear until all
the monsters on that floor have been defeated. [Note: The exit of each
level may be linked to one certain enemy on each floor, but I haven't
verified this yet.]

After passing through Mine Level 1, you will enter the heart of the Mine.
There is a Priest here to save your game and also a Shopkeeper. In order
to go on to Mine Level 2, you have to enter the Mini Mine to find the key.
In the Mini Mine, your stats will not increase and you won't receive any
items either, so get the key and get out as soon as possible. The key is
located on the lower floor.

In Mine Level 2, you will encounter Green Man. Green Man is equipped with
a Revive Stone (Transparent Green Stone), so if you beat him, he will
instantly revive and keep on fighting. But you can use this to your
advantage. When he gets low on health (his first bar of health), capture
him with a Purple Stone. After being captured, he will leave his Revive
Stone FULLY CHARGED! Pick it up and equip it for an extra life.

4.0 Monsters
This is a nearly complete list of all the monsters found in Tobal 2. It
also contains information on where to locate and capture monsters to use
as playable characters. There are spoilers here, so only read on if you
don't want to try to figure this out for yourself.

4.1 Methods to Unlock Monsters

Any monsters located in the dungeons can be captured. First you must
have a Purple Stone, beat any monster down to about 10% health and throw
the Stone at it. The monster will die and the next monster of that type
will have a C next to its name.

Monsters that must be loaded are not found in any dungeon (some of them
are in the overworld though). These monsters are found using the Green
Monster option in VS Mode.

The best (fastest) way to get these monsters is to set the number of
rounds to 5 and each fighters health to 16 (minimum). Also be sure to
have enough room on your memory card to save replays. Using this method
to keep fights short will allow you to save around 60 replays per slot
on your card.

Once you find a new monster, choose it for at least one fight, this will
put it on your list of monsters (however it will have F status). Now
use the Gray Monster option, it will ask for another memory card.
Remove and then re-insert your memory card and press circle.

This method may also allow you to use monsters from the dungeons.

Some monsters become accessible only when certain conditions are met
(such as the Totems). These methods are listed for each individual case.

5:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4.2 Using the Monsters
These descriptions refer to the four different colored monsters available
on the character select list. They can be used in Tournament Mode, VS
Mode, and Training (only the Red and Blue are available in Training).

-Red Monster: A list of all monsters you have come in contact with
either in the quest mode or through the Green Monster option.
Controllable monsters are highlighted and marked with a C,
uncontrollable monsters are marked with an F. This option becomes
available after you encounter a monster in quest mode.

-Blue Monster: Allows you to load a saved character from the Quest Mode.
This option is available from the start of the game.

-Green Monster: Uses a saved replay to access a monster. This monster
will be unplayable and will have stats (presumably) generated by
information from the saved fight. This option becomes available after
using a monster in VS Mode.

-Gray Monster: Load monster data from another memory card. The first
time you use this, Super Trix will become a playable character. This
option becomes available after using a monster in VS Mode.

4.3 Dungeons
1. Practice [5 Floors]
2. Egyptian Ruins [8 Floors]
3. Desert Spaceship [5 Floors]
4. Mine Level 1 [5 Floors]
- Mini Mine [2 Floors]
Note: Stats will not increase in the Mini Mine
5. Mine Level 2 [7 Floors]
6. Castle [13 Floors]
7. Cave [38 Floors] (all stats are reset)

5:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4.4 List

Num Monster Dungeon How to Access
001 Dog None Load (see section 5.1)
002 Brown Lizard Ruins Capture
003 Wyvern (boss) Castle Capture
004 Deino Ruins Capture
005 Cougar None ???
006 Shopkeeper None Load
007 Brown Ape Practice Capture
008 Skeleton Castle Capture
009 Silver Wizard Mine2 Capture
010 Chocobo None Load (see section 5.1)
011 Silver Gorem Castle Capture
012 Azurite Gorem Castle Capture
013 Bronze Gorem Mine 2 Capture
014 Mono Eye None Beat Normal (no continues)
015 Wraith Castle Capture
016 White Ferret Castle Capture
017 Thin Man Mine 2 Capture
018 Zircon Gorem Mine 2 Capture
019 Hound None Load (see section 5.1)
020 Nebak None Load (see section 5.1)
021 Red Zeppel None Beat Hard with a monster
022 Zombie Ruins Capture
023 Dragon Puppy None Load
024 Tategami (boss) Mine 2 Capture
025 Mad Plant None Load (see section 5.1)
026 Lich Castle Capture
027 Ripper Castle Capture
028 Totem 1st None See all Easy endings
029 Totem 2nd None See all Normal endings
030 Totem 3rd None See all Hard endings
031 Mujaki Castle Capture
032 Phantom Castle Capture
033 Axe Beak Ruins Capture
034 Blue Emu Ruins Capture
035 Cockatrice None Load
036 Blue Jelly Practice Capture
037 Tie Tamper LD Mine 2 Capture
038 Bear Ruins Capture
039 Owl Bear Mine 2 Capture
040 Red Jelly Practice Capture
041 Green Jelly None ???
042 Yellow Jelly Practice Capture
043 Executer Castle Capture
044 Punk Head Practice Capture
045 Blind Beast Castle Capture
046 Deep Blue Mine 1 Capture
047 Star Castle Capture
048 Blue Star Castle Capture
049 Red Star Castle Capture
050 Green Star Castle Capture

5:52 PM  

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